Pablo Alborán - Pasos de cero - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pablo Alborán - Pasos de cero

Pasos de cero
Zero Steps
Entre tu boca y la mía
Between your mouth and mine
Hay un cuento de hadas que siempre acaba bien
There's a fairy tale that always ends well
Entre las sábanas frías
Between the cold sheets
Me pierdo a solas pensando en tu piel
I lose myself alone, thinking of your skin.
Qué curiosa la vida
How bizarre life is
Que de pronto sorprende con este loco amor
That suddenly it surprises with this crazy love
Y es que todo se acaba y termina si dejo de ser lo que soy
And it's that everything ends and finishes, if I cease to be what I am.
Bésame, no dudes ni un segundo de mi alma
Kiss me, don't doubt for a second of my soul
Alteras mis sentidos, liberas mis alas
You alter my senses, you free my wings
No cabe tanto amor en esta cama
So much love doesn't fit in this bed
Si me dejaras
If you were to leave me,
Qué bueno es sentir que suspiro de nuevo
How good it feels to feel that I sigh again
Que tu roce y mi roce juntos forman fuego
That your touch and my touch together create fire,
Delicada llama que nunca se apaga
A delicate flame that never goes out.
Sin ti yo me pierdo
Without you, I'm lost,
Sin ti me vuelvo veneno
Without you, I become poison.
No entiendo el despertar sin un beso de esos
I don't understand waking up without one of those kisses,
Sin tu aliento en mi cuello
Without your breath on my neck
Sin ti yo me pierdo
Without you, I'm lost,
Sin ti me vuelvo veneno
Without you, I become poison.
No entiendo el despertar sin un beso de esos
I don't understand waking up without one of those kisses,
Sin tu aliento en mi cuello
Without your breath on my neck.
Qué futuro más bello
What a more beautiful future,
Qué plan más perfecto presiento
What a more perfect plan I feel
No tendremos que estar batallando
We won't have to keep fighting
Buscando siempre el momento
Always looking for the moment,
Por dar pasos de cero y un camino certero de sueños
To take zero steps forward, and a sure path of dreams.
Liberamos el llanto vacío que tanto provocan los miedos
We shall release the empty weeping caused by fears.
Bésame, no dudes ni un segundo de mi alma
Kiss me, don't doubt for a second of my soul
Alteras mis sentidos, liberas mis alas
You alter my senses, you free my wings
No cabe tanto amor en esta cama
So much love doesn't fit in this bed
Si me dejaras
If you were to leave me,
Qué bueno es sentir que suspiro de nuevo
How good it feels to feel that I sigh again
Que tu roce y mi roce juntos forman fuego
That your touch and my touch together create fire,
Delicada llama que nunca se apaga
A delicate flame that never goes out.
Sin ti yo me pierdo
Without you, I'm lost,
Sin ti me vuelvo veneno
Without you, I become poison.
No entiendo el despertar sin un beso de esos
I don't understand waking up without one of those kisses,
Sin tu aliento en mi cuello
Without your breath on my neck
Sin ti yo me pierdo
Without you, I'm lost,
Sin ti me vuelvo veneno
Without you, I become poison.
No entiendo el despertar sin un beso de esos
I don't understand waking up without one of those kisses,
Sin tu aliento en mi cuello
Without your breath on my neck.
Sin ti yo me pierdo
Without you, I'm lost,
Sin ti me vuelvo veneno
Without you, I become poison.
No entiendo el despertar sin un beso de esos
I don't understand waking up without one of those kisses,
Sin tu aliento en mi cuello
Without your breath on my neck.
Sin ti yo me pierdo
Without you, I'm lost,
Sin ti me vuelvo veneno
Without you, I become poison.
No entiendo el despertar sin un beso de esos
I don't understand waking up without one of those kisses,
Sin tu aliento en mi cuello
Without your breath on my neck.


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