Pacha Man - STRADA - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pacha Man - STRADA

Tot timpu' am fost si sunt un golan crescut in strada,
All the time I've been and I am a street-bred ruffian,
Si-orcati bani as avea n-o sa ma schimb vreodata
And however much money I have, I'll never change
Chiar daca lumea e perversasi plina de sifonari
Even if the world is perverse and full of snitches
Nu ma opresc din ceea ce fac, stiu sa produc doar bani murdari
I won't stop doing what I do, I only know how to make dirty money
Marci, dolari, ierburi si-alte alea
Marks, dollars, herbs, and the like
Si fac tot ce vreau, cat ma tine pielea
And I do whatever I want, as long as I can
De lege nu imi pasa stiti si voi e de rahat
I don't care about the law, you know it's crap
Daca gaborii n-o respecta, eu de ce pula mea s-o fac?
If the cops don't respect it, why the hell should I?
Am invatat de mic, frate sa bagabontez
I learned from a young age, brother, to be a vagabond
La 6 ani sa fur sa ciordesc
At 6 years old to steal, to pilfer
La 7 ani sa fumez
At 7 years old to smoke
Cum am crescut putin mergeam la piata cu alba neagra
As I grew up a little, I went to the market with counterfeit money
La scoala eram absent
I was absent from school
Tot ce stiu m-a-nvatat strada!
Everything I know, the street taught me!
Strada te invata, multe trucuri
The street teaches you, lots of tricks
Ea te invata o gramada de lucruri
It teaches you a lot of things
Chiar daca esti sarac, ea te face sa te bucuri
Even if you are poor, it makes you happy
Trage si tu un fum, si-ai sa ai alte gusturi
Take a puff, and you'll have other tastes
Strada ne-a invatat pe tooti pe toooti
The street has taught us all, all of us
Sa supravietuim in ea, iar tu nu poti
To survive in it, and you can't
Nu poti sa fi si nu vei fi vreodata ca noi
You can't be and you'll never be like us
Noi suntem chiar din strada, locul uitat de voi
We're right from the street, the place forgotten by you
Strada n-ea invatat pe tooti pe toooti
The street has taught us all, all of us
Sa supravietuim in ea, iar tu nu poti
To survive in it, and you can't
Nu poti sa faci si n-o sa faci niciodata ce facem noi
You can't do and you'll never do what we do
Pentru ca nu accepta fraierii ca voi.
Because it doesn't accept suckers like you.
Direct din strada, ti-o dam la muie
Straight from the street, we'll kick your ass
Chiar din strada, o iei la muie
Right from the street, you'll get beat up
Strada are legi, dupa cum ai aflat
The street has laws, as you have learned
La tine in cartier sau la tine in oras
In your neighborhood or in your city
Trupele de rap de-a lungul anilor ti-au predat
Rap crews have taught you over the years
Codu' penal, stradal, si cum trebuie aplicat
Street criminal code, and how it should be applied
Sifoanele si prostii sper ca i-ati eliminat
I hope you've gotten rid of the snitches and the fools
Iar sa faceti bani, sper ca ati invatat
And I hope you've learned to make money
Legal sau ilegal nu conteaza cum ii faci
Legal or illegal, it doesn't matter how you do it
Atat cat mai esti minor eu spun sa iti faci de caap
While you're still a minor, I tell you to do whatever you want
Dai-n pula mea de gabori ca nici ei nu stiu ce fac
Fuck the cops, because they don't know what they're doing
M-ai bine apucate de treaba, si ia-o pas cu pas
Better to get down to business and take it one step at a time
Sa-ti faci oglica-n strada e tot ce ti-a ramas
Making your living on the streets is all you have left
Si nu uita ca, cu bani in buzunar oricine isi face de cap
And don't forget that with money in your pocket, anyone can do whatever they want
Strada ne-a invatat pe tooti pe toooti
The street has taught us all, all of us
Sa supravietuim in ea, iar tu nu poti
To survive in it, and you can't
Nu poti sa fi si nu vei fi vreodata ca noi
You can't be and you'll never be like us
Noi suntem chiar din strada, locul uitat de voi
We're right from the street, the place forgotten by you
Strada n-ea invatat pe tooti pe toooti
The street has taught us all, all of us
Sa supravietuim in ea, iar tu nu poti
To survive in it, and you can't
Nu poti sa faci si n-o sa faci niciodata ce facem noi
You can't do and you'll never do what we do
Pentru ca nu accepta fraierii ca voi.
Because it doesn't accept suckers like you.
Strada ne-a invatat pe tooti pe toooti
The street has taught us all, all of us
Sa supravietuim in ea, iar tu nu poti
To survive in it, and you can't
Nu poti sa fi si nu vei fi vreodata ca noi
You can't be and you'll never be like us
Noi suntem chiar din strada, locul uitat de voi
We're right from the street, the place forgotten by you
Strada n-ea invatat pe tooti pe toooti
The street has taught us all, all of us
Sa supravietuim in ea, iar tu nu poti
To survive in it, and you can't
Nu poti sa faci si n-o sa faci niciodata ce facem noi
You can't do and you'll never do what we do
Pentru ca nu accepta fraierii ca voi.
Because it doesn't accept suckers like you.

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