Paloalto - Cold - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Paloalto - Cold

내가 관심두는건
All I care about is,
누가 많은지
Who has more?
내가 신경쓰는건
All I'm concerned with is,
누가 높은지
Who's taller?
그런거 알고싶지않아
I don't want to know such things,
별로 알고싶지않아
I don't really care to know,
내가 알고픈건말야
What I want to know is,
그런게 절대 아냐
Is that absolutely not it?
나는 알고싶지않아
I don't want to know,
별로 알고싶지않아
I don't really care to know,
What I want to know is,
절대 그런게 아냐
Is that absolutely not it?
방안에서 혼자 꿈을 꿨을땐
When I dreamt alone in my room,
거창한걸 바란적이 없었네
I never desired anything grand.
원하던걸 손안에 쥐었을땐
When I held what I wished for in my hands,
감사함보다 욕심이 컸었네
My greed far outweighed my gratitude.
내가 아닌 내가 내가 됐어 어느새
Without realizing it, I became someone other than myself.
인사를해 거울속에 낯선그대
I greeted the stranger in the mirror,
예전의 지워졌나봐 결국엔
My former self, ultimately erased.
이젠 이게 또다른 나니까 다시 적응해
Now, this is another me, so I'll adapt again.
크고나니 아버지도 흘리는 눈물
Even my father shed tears as I grew up.
가족을 지켜나갈 준비해
I prepare to protect my family.
사는건 치사하고 유치해
Living is quite lethal and childish,
고상한척하는 내가 제일 웃기네
The irony of me pretending to be noble is hilarious.
예민해지면 혀가 바로 흉기네
My tongue becomes a weapon when I'm sensitive.
뱉은만큼 마음에 지네
The more I spew, the greater the wound in my heart.
지금 서있는곳이 꿈을 침대
The place where I stand now is the bed where I dream.
꿈은 현실이지 낭만이 깨어 숨쉴때
Dreams are reality when the romance awakens and breathes.
모두 꿈을꾸며 살아
Everyone lives their lives in dreams.
누군가는 죽지못해 살아
Some live because they can't die.
좋게생각하면 풀린다는 말들
The words that say if you think good thoughts, things will work out,
시간지나면 결국 치유된단 아픔
The pain that heals over time.
머리론 이해되도 가슴팍이 아려
My mind understands, but my chest aches.
앞에선 다들 눈물짓는 표정 가려
Everyone hides their tearful expressions.
어디다가 말도 못하지
I can't speak to anyone,
혼자서 삭히는듯하다 왈칵 쏟았지
I seem to have digested it alone and then poured it all out.
바쁠땐 잊어버린줄만 알다가
I thought I'd forgotten all this when I was busy,
불끄고 누웠더니 몰려와서 감당안돼
But when I turned off the lights and lay down, it all came flooding back, overwhelming me.
욕심은 정말 끝이없어
Greed is truly endless,
이런 감정따위 사치인걸 아는데도
Even though I know that these kinds of emotions are a luxury,
결국엔 부질없어
In the end, it's all futile.
행복은 가까운데 딴곳을보네
Happiness is near, but I'm looking elsewhere.
차가운 나의 손을 잡아줄래?
Honey, will you hold my cold hand?
내가 딴곳 보게
So that I won't look away?

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