Panteon Rococo Y Odisea Valenzuela - Cosas Del Ayer / Punk - O - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Panteon Rococo Y Odisea Valenzuela - Cosas Del Ayer / Punk - O

Cosas Del Ayer / Punk - O
Things of the Past / Punk - O
Recuerdas esos dias en que todo iba bien,
Remember those days when everything was fine,
Donde el odio y la maldad eran de la tv.
Where hate and evil were just on TV.
Cuando podias comprar esos viejos long plays,
When you could buy those old long plays,
Cuadno podias escuchar esos viejos l.p.'s.
When you could listen to those old LPs.
Todo aparentaba paz y tranquilidad,
Everything seemed peaceful and calm,
Solo las buenas notas nos debian importar,
Only good grades should matter to us,
Para el meiodia a casa regresar
To go home by noon
Sin pensar que algun dia tendrian que crecer.
Without thinking that one day we would have to grow up.
Ay, ay, ay son cosas del ayer.
Oh, oh, oh, those are things of the past.
Ay, ay, ay son cosas del ayer.
Oh, oh, oh, those are things of the past.
Nunca pensaste si habia para comer,
You never thought about whether there was food to eat,
Pues la inocencia de la edad nunca te deja ver
Because the innocence of your age never lets you see
Que tu padre, horas extra, se tenia que joder
That your father had to work overtime to support you
Para poder a casa traer algo que comer.
To be able to bring something home to eat.
Verdaderos milagros tu madre tenia que hacer.
Your mother had to perform real miracles.
Pues con unos centavos debia mantener
Because with a few cents she had to maintain
El sustento de tu hogar y poder mantener
The sustenance of your home and to be able to keep it going
A flote ese barco que debia naufragar.
Afloat that ship that was bound to sink.
Ay, ay, ay son cosas del ayer.
Oh, oh, oh, those are things of the past.
Ay, ay, ay son cosas del ayer.
Oh, oh, oh, those are things of the past.
Pero nada es eterno, tenias que despertar,
But nothing lasts forever, you had to wake up,
Porque el paso del tiempo nos hace reaccionar.
Because the passage of time makes us react.
Porque para la vida no existe un manual
Because there is no manual for life
Y a veces en muy dura la realidad.
And sometimes reality is very harsh.
Ya podras darte cuenta de nuestra realidad,
You will soon realize our reality,
Estamos condenados al gusto de bailar.
We are condemned to the pleasure of dancing.
Ya podras darte cuenta, es nuestra especialidad,
You will soon realize, it's our specialty,
Estamos condenados al gusto de bailar.
We are condemned to the pleasure of dancing.
Y lo unico que queda, lo unico que queda,
And all that remains, all that remains,
Lo unico que queda, lo unico que queda,
All that remains, all that remains,
Lo unico que queda, es vivir con dignidad.
All that remains is to live with dignity.

Авторы: panteón rococó

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