Parazitii feat. Margineanu - Moartea Întreabă De Tine - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Parazitii feat. Margineanu - Moartea Întreabă De Tine

Moartea Întreabă De Tine
Death Asks About You
Moartea intreaba de tine,
Death asks about you,
Stiu ca nu-ti convine,
I know you don't like it,
E placerea mea.
It's my pleasure.
Totul ti se trage,
You got it all,
De la prea mult bine,
From too much good,
Am o presimtire,
I have a premonition,
Ca patesti ceva.
That something will happen to you.
2007-2008, comunicat de presa,
2007-2008, press release,
Sa tac nu pot, nu port nici botnita nici lesa,
I can't shut up, I don't wear a muzzle or a leash,
Dai in pareza,
You're paralyzed,
Te lasam fara proteza,
We'll leave you without a prosthesis,
Cand noi 3 din viteza,
When the three of us at speed,
Va mai lovim c-o piesa.
Hit you again with a track.
Aprinde lumina, coboara cortina, intra in scena piza rea,
Turn on the lights, lower the curtain, the bad pizza enters the scene,
Lasa volumul jos, s-a terminat petrecerea.
Turn down the volume, the party's over.
Va tineti cu dintii, pe toti sfintii,
You hold on with your teeth, by all the saints,
Nimeni nu cade,
Nobody falls,
Cand e vorba de prostitutie ramaneti pe baricade.
When it comes to prostitution, you stay on the barricades.
Tot bulangiu esti, tot...
You're still a pimp, you still...
Tot furi tot, vezi tu?
You steal everything, see?
Ne minti in piese ca-n politica Basescu.
You lie to us in songs like Basescu in politics.
Sunt fanul tau nr. 1, ****n afon,
I'm your number one fan, you tone-deaf ****,
Pe ma-ta cand suge p**a o am ringtone la telefon,
When your mom sucks d**k, I have it as a ringtone on my phone,
Te vrei s*-simbol, te misti lasciv pe soul,
You want to be a sex symbol, you move lasciviously on soul,
Te-ar prinde bine rolul unei piz*e in namol.
The role of a b**ch in the mud would suit you well.
La usa bate cineva, hai te rog deschide,
Someone's knocking on the door, please open it,
E-o gagica bine, care intreaba de tine.
It's a good looking girl asking about you.
Ref: Nu dansez pentru tine, imi respect chelia,
Chorus: I don't dance for you, I respect my bald head,
Si m****s pe copia lui Elvis, din Romania,
And I sh*t on the Romanian Elvis copy,
Am mania sa jignesc-doar stii!
I have the rage to offend - you know!
Si nefericita va fi
And unhappy it will be
Acea zi in care voi scrie carti pentru copii.
The day I write books for children.
Nu te gandi la tampenii, c-ai sa ma faci nefericit,
Don't think about nonsense, you'll make me unhappy,
Eu iti explic explicit, tu negresit ma-ntelegi gresit.
I explain it explicitly, you definitely misunderstand me.
Cand compun distrugeri, tre'sa iasa ca lumea,
When I compose destructions, it has to be perfect,
Si sa stie CNA-ul ca nu dau in femei lunea,
And the CNA should know that I don't hit women on Mondays,
Lumea ne vorbeste de rau, si nu e rau ca nu tragem la jug,
The world talks bad about us, and it's not bad that we don't pull the yoke,
Noi distram omul cand altii il distrug.
We entertain people when others destroy them.
Azi nu vorbesc de alcool, si poate nici nu sunt matol,
Today I'm not talking about alcohol, and maybe I'm not even drunk,
Iata ca nu instig,
See, I don't instigate,
Iar baietii de azi n-o sa mai bea nimic,
And the boys of today won't drink anything anymore,
Promit sa ne distram pe gol, de azi inainte,
I promise we'll have fun naked, from now on,
Vom renunta o data cu iubitul nostru presedinte.
We'll quit together with our beloved president.
Esti acolo in postul tau, oficial iti merge bine,
You're there in your position, officially you're doing well,
In sfarsit am auzit ca intreaba cineva de tine.
Finally, I heard someone ask about you.
Ref: Te simti cautat, esti iritat, te bazaie musca,
Chorus: You feel wanted, you're irritated, the fly buzzes you,
Ai atitudine cand te zbati pe house ca molusca,
You have attitude when you flounder on house like a mollusk,
Te urasc ca pe rockerii specializati in balade,
I hate you like rockers specializing in ballads,
Si-o sa vars o ploaie de lacrimi, sunt un tip cum se cade,
And I'll shed a rain of tears, I'm a decent guy,
Esti un milionar, calvit, care a inghitit un fluieras,
You're a bald millionaire who swallowed a whistle,
Canta, si te scoatem ca pe-o maimuta la cico in oras,
Sing, and we'll take you out like a monkey on a leash in the city,
Esti activ la Tv, fetele te stiu pasiv,
You're active on TV, the girls know you're passive,
Tricoul tau mulat te face sa pari bolnav de HIV,
Your tight T-shirt makes you look like you have HIV,
Opriti-ma! sau va tarasc pe rand pe toti in noroi,
Stop me! Or I'll drag you all one by one in the mud,
Si pot sa scot milioane din muzica, daca agresez un butoi.
And I can make millions from music if I attack a barrel.
Doi, trei, proba de mic: M-auzi? Se-aude tare? (Da)
Two, three, mic test: Can you hear me? Is it loud? (Yes)
De fapt opreste microfonul, ca pe astia ii iau la palme (L-am oprit)
Actually, turn off the microphone, because I'm gonna slap these guys (I turned it off)
Nu mai esti gipsy, bai portoricanule?
You're not a gypsy anymore, Puerto Rican boy?
Ce-i cu mersul ala, si cu sincroanele, te strang sandalele?
What's with that walk, and the synchronicities, are your sandals tight?
Pe-ascuns m-admiri, ma dai in judecata
You secretly admire me, you sue me
Ne vedem la stiri,
We'll see each other on the news,
Vrei sa-mi sugi p**a? Cheama intariri...
You want to suck my d**k? Call for backup...

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