Paraziții - Arde (feat. Câinele) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Paraziții - Arde (feat. Câinele)

Arde (feat. Câinele)
Burn (feat. Dog)
Mr. Levy
Mr. Levy
Arde! Uite cum arde!
Burn! Look how it burns!
Dam semnale cu fum sa ne vezi de departe
We give smoke signals so you can see us from afar
Trag s-ajung unde tu n-ajungi,
I smoke to reach where you can't,
Dati-mi bratari si imbracati-ma in dungi
Give me bracelets and dress me in stripes
Azi nu muncesc, nu injur printre dinti
Today I'm not working, not cursing through my teeth
Oo ard aiurea sau stau intins
Ooh, I burn randomly or lie down
Vad cum iese iarba din asfaltu' incins
I see the grass coming out of the hot asphalt
Imi intra soarele-n ochii, parca ieri a nins!
The sun gets in my eyes, as if it snowed yesterday!
Azi toate mor si avem in exces
Today everything dies and we have too much
Si ne-ameninta cu prezervative xxs
And they threaten us with xxs condoms
Asta-i un tun fara tutun nu e pai
This is a joint without tobacco, it's not hay.
Uite! scot fum ca loganul de mai
Look! I blow smoke like an old Logan.
Ti s-a incins tabla pe umar, pari chinuit
Your brain is fried, you look tortured
Yo-ti fac un bine ca-ti dau de gandit
Yo, I'm doing you a favor by giving you something to think about.
N-am dor de casa ca nu m-am pocait
I don't miss home because I haven't repented.
Si lasa-ma frate sa rulez linistit
And let me, brother, smoke in peace.
Mr. Levy
Mr. Levy
Vreau sa rulez, sa fumez,
I want to smoke, to smoke,
Sa merg pe drumul pe care am mai mers
To walk the path I have walked before.
Nu vreau stres! ma cauta des
I don't want stress! It's always looking for me.
Vad clar prin fumul pe unde o sa ies
I can see clearly through the smoke where I'm going.
Arde! Uite cum arde!
Burn! Look how it burns!
Dam semnale cu fum sa ne vezi de departe
We give smoke signals so you can see us from afar
Trag s-ajung unde tu n-ajungi,
I smoke to reach where you can't,
Dati-mi bratari si imbracati-ma-n dungi
Give me bracelets and dress me in stripes
N-avem nici-un stres, au disparut temerile
We have no stress, our fears have disappeared
Si dam dintr-una intr-alta ca ne plac femeile
And we go from one to another because we like women
S-a intamplat se intampla sa se intample din nou
It happened, it happens, and it will happen again
Mie daca nu mi-e greata atunci mi-e rau
If I don't feel nauseous, then I feel bad
Inghesuiti sub umbrele ca-n R. A. T. B
Squeezed under umbrellas like in the R. A. T. B
Trec zilele ciocnind pana ciobim paharele
We spend our days drinking until we break the glasses
Timpul a-nghetat ceasul se-nvarte pe dos
Time has frozen, the clock is turning backwards
Si ne vezi cu greu prin fumul gros
And it's hard to see us through the thick smoke
Ca, (arde) 40 de grade febra
Because (it burns) 40 degrees fever
Stam batuti de soare ca niste rechini de stepa
Hit by the sun like sharks on the steppe
Si, (arde uite cum arde)
And (burn look how it burns)
Am arestat o vodca, am condamnat un joiont la moarte
I arrested a vodka, I sentenced a joint to death
Mr. Levy
Mr. Levy
Arde! Uite cum arde!
Burn! Look how it burns!
Dam semnale cu fum sa ne vezi de departe
We give smoke signals so you can see us from afar
Trag s-ajung unde tu n-ajungi,
I smoke to reach where you can't,
Dati-mi bratari si imbracati-ma-n dungi
Give me bracelets and dress me in stripes

Авторы: Ailenei Razvan-adrian

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