Paraziții - Dac-aș fi președinte (live) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Paraziții - Dac-aș fi președinte (live)

Dac-aș fi președinte (live)
If I Were President (Live)
V-as amaneta pe toti si nu m-ati prinde...
I'd pawn you all off and you'd never catch me...
Dac-as fi pentru-o zi presedinte
If I were president for a day
Tineti minte, as lasa Romania amanet, fara cuvinte
Remember, I'd leave Romania in hock, without a word
Dac-as fi pentru-o zi presedinte
If I were president for a day
V-as amaneta pe toti si nu m-ati prinde.
I'd pawn you all off and you'd never catch me.
Dac-as fi presedinte tot as face ceva
If I were president, I'd still do something
As interzice Parazitii si m-as imbata
I'd ban the Parazites and get drunk
Sunt un nebun inofensiv, catalogat jigodie
I'm a harmless madman, labeled a scumbag
Si-mi doresc o Dacie cu motor pe folie
And I want a Dacia with a foil engine
N-am nimic bun de facut decat sa rad de viata
I have nothing good to do but laugh at life
Daca viata-i tarfa am sa-i dau *** cu gheatza
If life is a whore, I'll *** her with ice
De unspe′ ani de zile nu pot sa dorm
For eleven years I haven't been able to sleep
Cand orice domn voteaza pentru mine legi in somn
When every gentleman votes for laws for me in his sleep
Iti place sa vezi hoti prinsi la televizor
You like to see thieves caught on TV
Dar ce te faci cand iti incarca usa si-ii vezi pe vizor
But what do you do when they load your door and see them on the peephole
Nimeni n-are patos sa se prefaca mort de foame
No one has the guts to pretend to starve to death
Sau fac trafic de tzoale, americane, ca Fane
Or traffic in foreign hookers, like Fane
La Las helas, Delas, daca-ti place heroina
At Las helas, Delas, if you like heroin
Ca la noi in Colentina s-ar interzice si aspirina
Because in Colentina they'd ban even aspirin
Miroase a puscarie, ar trebui sa ma tirez
It smells like jail, I should turn myself in
S-alerg alieni, sa-i iau la ** prin Univers.
To hunt aliens, to ** them through the Universe.
Am agatat o stramba pe Internet
I hooked up with a weirdo on the Internet
I-am demonstrat in trei cuvinte ca sunt baiat destept
I proved to her in three words that I'm a smart guy
Munca tre' sa fie hobby o ora pe luna
Work should be a hobby, one hour a month
Tarfele sa faca gat cu cartea de munca-n mana
Hookers to do blowjobs with a work card in hand
Copilul te intreaba aparent un fapt banal
The child asks you a seemingly banal fact
′Tati, homo-sapiens e homosexual?'
′Daddy, is homo-sapiens homosexual?'
No faggot can take the situation
No faggot can take the situation
Am sa va-mpusc pe toti in cap cu pistolul de PlayStation
I'll shoot you all in the head with the PlayStation gun
Violatorul indecis da-n scris la sectie
The indecisive rapist gives a written statement at the police station
'Nu sunt vinovat, copilu-i negru si-am avut protectie′
'I'm not guilty, the kid is black and I had protection′
N-ai cap, mananci cacofonie
You have no head, you eat cacophony
De frica ca capul o freaca ca n-are cum sa faca o mie
For fear that the head rubs it as it can't make a thousand
Pentru noi toti ramane doar o vorba valabila pe timp urat
For all of us, only one saying remains valid in bad weather
Oricum nu ma descalt atunci cand ***
Anyway I don't take my shoes off when I ***
Sar in sus de bucurie, mi-am ratat cariera
I jump for joy, I missed my career
Plec, pa, la revedere...
I'm leaving, bye, goodbye...

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