Paraziții - Degenerația următoare - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Paraziții - Degenerația următoare

Degenerația următoare
The Next Generation of Degenerates
Sunt agentul zero, zero, zero
I'm agent zero, zero, zero
Sti Chelu′, Ombladon - Parazitii
It's Chelu′, Ombladon - Parazitii
Urca-te pe usa sa te bat in cuie
Climb on the door so I can nail you down
Imi place ca porti gat incat poti sa faci...
I like that you wear your neck so you can do...
Scutura 4 tigari de tutun
Shake out 4 cigarettes of tobacco
Vreau sa vad rasaritul la Neptun dupa primul fum.
I want to see the sunrise at Neptune after the first smoke.
Ti-e frica ca-i trait mult prea multe zile acidulate
You're afraid you've lived too many carbonated days
N-ai sa mori, din viata scapa cine poate
You won't die, whoever can, escapes life
Accidental m-am accidentat la modul fin
Accidentally, I injured myself in a fine way
Sport extrem ne place sa ne prabusim
Extreme sports, we like to crash
Fetele dau din motoare, cu elementele din dotare
The girls rev their engines, with the elements in their equipment
Comit crime
I commit crimes
Virusul intitulat hip hop face victime
The virus called hip hop takes victims
Am doza, ce daca sunt falit
I have the dose, so what if I'm broke
Imi zic bine lucrat, bine gandit
I call myself well done, well thought out
Noi suntem degeneratia urmatoare
We are the next generation of degenerates
Cand soarele rasare am ochii injectati
When the sun rises, my eyes are bloodshot
Sunt ultimul care mai bea, toti raman blocati
I'm the last one drinking, everyone else is stuck
Viata-i mult prea scurta si mai stiu ceva
Life is too short and I know something else
Frate din viata scapa cine poate (X2)
Brother, whoever can, escapes life (X2)
Nu fi bandita cu banditul
Don't be a bandit with the bandit
Incearca sa ma imbarligi cu fizicul
Try to hook me up with your physique
Acum un an de zile am marcat teritoriul
A year ago I marked the territory
Ti-am verificat liftul si am plecat rapid ca familistul
I checked your elevator and left quickly like a family man
Tot ce am adunat pana acum au fost amenzi
All I've collected so far have been fines
Lasa-le sa curga
Let them flow
Pentru viitor mi-am propus cearcane si burta
For the future I have proposed dark circles and a belly
Nu ma intreba ce fac,
Don't ask me what I do,
Nu stiu niciodata
I never know
Nu arat oricum de parc-as fi baut doar apa plata.
I don't look like I've only been drinking water.
Toti bagabontii rasi in cap vreti sa-i internati
You want to hospitalize all the shaved-head bums
La spitalul 9, sectia agitati,
At hospital 9, the agitated ward,
Rupt in intersectie cu ochii injectati
Torn apart at the intersection with bloodshot eyes
Sunt un fel de Napoleon
I'm a kind of Napoleon
Voi degeaba circulati
You guys are circulating for nothing
Femeile dispar cu masinile si cu banii,
Women disappear with cars and money,
Incompetentele raman cu bagabontii
The incompetents are left with the bums
Uite asa va trec degeaba anii
That's how your years pass by in vain
Cand soarele rasare am ochii injectati
When the sun rises, my eyes are bloodshot
Sunt ultimul care mai bea, toti raman blocati
I'm the last one drinking, everyone else is stuck
Viata-i mult prea scurta si mai stiu ceva
Life is too short and I know something else
Frate din viata scapa cine poate (X2)
Brother, whoever can, escapes life (X2)
Freci, freci, living la vida loca
Rub, rub, living la vida loca
Am o fixatie pa creier dar o tin mereu palmata
I have a fixation on the brain but I always keep it palmed
Imi place sa cant la 2 corzi odata
I like to play 2 strings at once
Adu-mi un pansament cu eticheta si ceva sa strig,
Bring me a bandage with a label and something to shout,
Alerg dupa femei sa le fut dar nu pot sa le prind
I run after women to fuck them but I can't catch them
Toti bagabontii care-ti rad in fata
All the bums who laugh in your face
O sa afle acum ce am sa zic o viata
They'll find out now what I'm going to say for a lifetime
Stiti ca nu ne face un pahar uscat la gura
You know a dry glass doesn't make us thirsty
Pe noi ne asculta si politia romana
The Romanian police also listens to us
Spune-mi cum te cheama ca sa-ti zic ce boala ai,
Tell me your name so I can tell you what disease you have,
Spune-mi unde mergi, ca sa stiu cui vrei s-o dai.
Tell me where you're going, so I know who you want to give it to.

Авторы: paraziții

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