Paraziții - Doovorbe - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Paraziții - Doovorbe

Maimuta a fumat cand a coborat din pom!
Monkey smoked when he came down from the tree!
A fost apreciata si de primu' om!
And the first man appreciated it!
Buna dupa munca, buna dupa somn,
Good after work, good after sleep,
Iarba despicata-n sapte buna pentru neuron.
Divided grass into seven good for neuron.
Primu mare geniu care a consumat fapta
The first great genius who consumed the deed
A fumat ganja si-a descoperit roata!
He smoked pot and discovered the wheel!
Istoria, face bine sa ne spuna,
History, it is good to tell us,
Omu' a plantat cannabis cand a ajuns pe luna.
Man planted cannabis when he reached the moon.
Telefon fara marijuana,
Phone without marijuana,
Ar fi sus la loc in pom
Would be up in a tree
Fii fericit! In zece mii de ani de ganja nimeni n-a murit!
Be happy! In ten thousand years of pot no one has died!
Fratioare nu vad motivu' pentru care fiecare sa nu traga tare
Bro, I don't see the reason why everyone shouldn't pull hard
Bai ai grija cu hellasu'!
Man, be careful with heroin!
Bai lasa hellasu'!
Come on, leave the heroin!
Zece minute mai sunt!
Ten more minutes!
Nu gasesc vena mancati-as pula ta!
I can't find a vein, fucking hell!
40 alcool am in cap caut vena,
40 alcohol in my head looking for a vein,
Din spate unde sunt se vede foarte mica scena
From the back where I am the scene looks very small
Trag afara tot ce am in buzunare,
I pull out everything I have in my pockets,
Aseara am investit tot in materiale
Yesterday I invested everything in materials
Iti fuge vena!
Your vein is running away!
Stai bagami-as pula-n ma-ta ca o intep pe sor-ta!
Hold on, I'm going to stick my sister with a fucking needle!
Vreau un ac de 15 sa intep aorta!
I want a 15 gauge needle to stick in the aorta!
Scena se mareste, presiunea in vena creste
The scene gets bigger, the pressure in the vein increases
Bag mana-n microfon si ma prezint: Ombladon!
I put my hand in the microphone and introduce myself: Ombladon!
1, 2 hellas
1, 2 heroin
2, 10 pe nas
2, 10 up the nose
Nu impart cu nimeni prafu' care mi-a ramas!
I don't share the dust that's left with anyone!
Probabil e a doua sau a treia melodie,
It's probably the second or third song,
Poa' sa fie prima, cine pula mea mai stie?!?
Maybe it's the first, who the hell knows anymore?!?
Inchei acest spectacol, va apreciez prezenta
I'm ending this show, I appreciate your presence
Trag o tarfa dintre voi sa-mi fac publica potenta!
I'll pull a chick out of the audience to make my public potency!

Авторы: Paraziții

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