Paraziții - Drogurile schimbă tot - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Paraziții - Drogurile schimbă tot

Drogurile schimbă tot
Drugs Change Everything
Dezamagit de viata ta, de exigenta parintilor esti prins usor
Disappointed with your life, caught in the grip of your parents' expectations, you're easily ensnared
In mirajul drogurilor
In the mirage of drugs
Ai mers mereu pe mana prietenilor
You've always followed your friends' lead
Fara sa stii partea intunecata a lor
Unaware of their dark side
Te-ai apucat la caterinca cu baietii pe bordura
You started shooting up with the guys on the curb
Si tot la caterinca ai ramas fara dinti in gura
And still shooting up, you ended up with no teeth in your mouth
Ti-ai dat seama ca nu e de gluma in acest mediu
You realized it's no joke in this environment
Cand tremurai in cada si te cacai pe tine la propriu
When you were shivering in the bathtub, literally shitting yourself
Realitatea se deformeaza, simti ca iti plesneste capul
Reality gets distorted, feels like your head's gonna explode
Ai grija cate grame iti faci ca te duci dracu′.
Be careful how many grams you take, or you'll go to hell.
Cand prizezi te-ncearca un sentiment de implinire
When you snort, you feel a sense of fulfillment
De fapt, in jurul tau, totul se naruie
But in reality, everything around you crumbles
Traiesti ca o leguma de mai bine de o luna
You've been living like a vegetable for over a month
Soarele rau cu pareri de rau e gata sa apuna
The wicked sun, full of regrets, is ready to set
Viitorul tau se rezuma doar la o farfurie si un pat de spital
Your future boils down to just a plate and a hospital bed
Sau o celula in puscarie
Or a prison cell
Te descuri, faci bani, hai sa-ti dezleg misterul
You manage, you make money, let me unravel the mystery
In realitate, i-ai vandut lui mata frigiderul
In reality, you sold your mom's refrigerator
Fata in fata cu tine iti spui sa ma las nu pot
Face to face with yourself, you tell yourself you can't quit
Si realizezi ca realitatea ta e data dracului de tot
And you realize your reality is completely fucked up
Drogurile schimba totul
Drugs change everything
Nu-ti face iluzii
Don't fool yourself
Joci, te risti si pierzi daca faci confuzii
You play, you risk and lose if you make mistakes
Drogurile schimba tot, din pacate
Drugs change everything, unfortunately
E un vis murdar care-l induri in realitate
It's a dirty dream that you endure in reality
Drogurile schimba totul
Drugs change everything
Nu-ti face iluzii
Don't fool yourself
Joci, te risti si pierzi daca faci confuzii
You play, you risk and lose if you make mistakes
Drogurile schimba tot, din pacate
Drugs change everything, unfortunately
E un vis murdar care-l induri in realitate
It's a dirty dream that you endure in reality
Daca vorbim de droguri, mai intai excludem iarba
When we talk about drugs, first we exclude weed
Prezentam etapele consumatorilor de dava
Let's present the stages of heroin users
Ai bani la pusculita, incepi la tigara
You have some money saved up, you start with a cigarette
E bine, acest praf marou va face un sclav din tine
It's good, this damn powder will make a slave out of you
Treci rapid la folie, tragi la comun cu baietii, nu-i asa ca e bine
You quickly move to foil, you share with the guys, isn't it great
Astea-s placerile vietii, bagati din ce in ce mai mult
These are the pleasures of life, you take more and more
Sunteti adevarati.
You are real.
Ai absolvit cursul, acum treci la avansati
You graduated the course, now you move on to the advanced
Iei marfa in lingura, diluata in helas
You take the stuff in a spoon, diluted in saline
Asa trebuie, dai foc de la bricheta
That's how it should be, you light it with a lighter
O lasi, pana fierbe
You let it boil
Iti pui cureaua drept garou
You put your belt as a tourniquet
Si pregatesti acul
And you prepare the needle
Sa nimeresti vena e o treaba data dracului
Hitting the vein is a damn hard job
Nimic in jurul tau nu mai prezinta interes
Nothing around you is of any interest anymore
Strangi pumnul tare si intepi atent
You clench your fist and carefully pierce
Zilnic, iti cresti doza degeaba
Every day, you increase your dose for nothing
Unde este placerea cand in tot corpul se instaleaza durerea
Where is the pleasure when pain sets in throughout your body
Tre' sa stii ca p**a nu se scoala de la heriona
You should know that your dick doesn't get hard from heroin
In 10 ani esti terminat si o sa ajungi o ruina
In 10 years, you're finished and you'll become a ruin
Abia acum incep problemele
Only now the problems begin
Dealer-ul tau e high
Your dealer is high
′Hai ca-ti dau si-mi dai tu inapoi cand ai'
′Come on, I'll give you some, and you'll give it back to me when you can'
Banii s-au terminat, fugi cu televizorul pe scari
The money ran out, you run down the stairs with the TV
E filmul tau, ti-e rau, nu te gandesti la urmari
It's your movie, you feel sick, you don't think about the consequences
Spargi masini in parcari si furi noaptea, te risti
You break cars in parking lots and steal at night, you take risks
Garda te-alearga, oasele te dor, de-abia te misti
The cops chase you, your bones ache, you can barely move
Prima data scapi, platesc parintii spaga
The first time you escape, your parents pay the bribe
Acum te-ai trezit ca vrei sa te lasi in graba
Now you've woken up and want to quit in a hurry
Metadona e baza, o dai pe alcool si pastile
Methadone is the base, you switch to alcohol and pills
Incercand sa-ti amintesti ce-ai facut ani de zile.
Trying to remember what you did for years.
Ai tai de pazesc in ture, vin sa stinga lumina
Your folks take turns guarding you, they come to turn off the light
Si te chinui pe-ntuneric, amplificandu-ti vina
And you suffer in the dark, amplifying your guilt
Te lauzi tuturor ca te-ai lasat, dar nu se vede
You brag to everyone that you quit, but it doesn't show
Ca esti inca negru sub ochi si nimeni nu te mai crede
Because you're still black under your eyes and nobody believes you anymore
Important e sa te lasi de droguri, fara bravada
It's important to quit drugs, without bragging
Sau te vom gasi in rigor mortis mulat pe cada.
Or we'll find you in rigor mortis, molded to the bathtub.
Drogurile schimba totul
Drugs change everything
Nu-ti face iluzii
Don't fool yourself
Joci, te risti si pierzi daca faci confuzii
You play, you risk and lose if you make mistakes
Drogurile schimba tot, din pacate
Drugs change everything, unfortunately
E un vis murdar care-l induri in realitate (bis).
It's a dirty dream that you endure in reality (twice).

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