Paraziții - Felu' Meu De-A Fii - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Paraziții - Felu' Meu De-A Fii

Felu' Meu De-A Fii
My Boy's Gonna Be
Il vad pe Ceausescu cum se transforma in Iliescu,
I see Ceausescu morphing into Iliescu,
In Constantinescu, iar in Iliescu, apoi in
Into Constantinescu, and back to Iliescu, then into
Terminatia escu in cap imi cade grea,
This "escu" ending weighs heavy on my head,
E tare iarba asta sau ce pula mea.
Is this weed strong or what the fuck?
Te vad cu mana in buzunarul altora,
I see you with your hand in someone else's pocket,
O sugi,
Sucking it,
Apoi spart in cur cum plangi imbracat in dungi.
Then crying your ass off, dressed in stripes.
Cu jointu' in gura tremur, panicat,
With a joint in my mouth, I tremble, panicked,
Mi-e frica, de o fetita dulcica ce imi face o muie de ma strica.
I'm scared, of a sweet little girl giving me a blowjob that'll ruin me.
Dau drumu la o bere la sticla sa fac o tura Si o dau din mana in mana cu colegii mei de bordura.
I crack open a bottled beer to take a swig, and pass it around with my buddies from the curb.
Vrem bani tai, femeia ta dar da-o in pula mea de sifonier
We want your money, your woman, but fuck your wardrobe,
Mai bine da-ne ceva care poseda creier.
Better give us something with a brain.
Daca-ti intru in casa neinvitat si ma prinzi in fapt,
If I enter your house uninvited and you catch me in the act,
Cauta-ma in mata, nu ma cauta sub pat.
Look for me in your mom, not under the bed.
Ma poti gasi in bar, beat critza, sau sorbind din priviri pustoaice
You can find me at the bar, drunk as a skunk, or gazing at the wasteland
Prin gardu' de la gradinitza.
Through the kindergarten fence.
Plin de silintza, pe cele cu piercing in gura Le astept in colt de strada cu magneti-n pula.
Silent, I wait for the ones with pierced tongues, with magnets in my dick, on the street corner.
Daca ma vezi puneti ultimele 3 dorintze, Poti sa treci in fatza mea in nefiintza ca eu sparg seminte.
If you see me, make your last 3 wishes, You can pass into oblivion before me, as I crack seeds.
Nu respect pe nimeni nu respect ce mi se impune sa stii,
I respect no one, I don't respect what I'm told to, you know,
E foarte simplu, e felul meu de a fi.
It's very simple, it's my way of being.
M-am nascut plictisit de atatia ani, recuperez,
I was born bored for so many years, I'm catching up,
Nu dau afara, cand beau prefer sa zic ca refulez.
I don't throw up, when I drink I prefer to say I'm venting.
Pe scena prestez, acasa iarba testez,
I perform on stage, at home I test the weed,
Nu-i nevoie sa demonstrez ca inca contez.
No need to prove that I still matter.
Imi bag pula prin metode traditionale
I stick my dick in through traditional methods,
Pula In orice cantec de dor sau jale
My dick in every song of longing and sorrow,
'Stii ca toate-s nasoale
You know everything's shitty.
Dau fara efort cum storc popii bani de la babe,
I give effortlessly like priests squeeze money from old ladies,
Sa ma vezi fara sapca in biserica sunt sperante slabe.
Seeing me without a cap in church is a slim chance.
Adorm la dentist cu freza in gura,
I fall asleep at the dentist with a drill in my mouth,
Morti ei de dantura,
Fuck their dentures,
Orice secunda a vietii mele e o aventura.
Every second of my life is an adventure.
Ma gasesti dand la peste fara undita pe lac,
You'll find me fishing without a rod on the lake,
Sau in perfecta simbioza cu mata atarnata in hamac.
Or in perfect symbiosis with my mom hanging in the hammock.
Nu bag heroina, dar daca vrei molfai un mac,
I don't do heroin, but if you want, sniff a poppy,
Si pot sa fac baie in bere cat futi tu un pui congelat.
And I can bathe in beer while you fuck a frozen chicken.
Ma fac praf din extract de plante,
I get high on plant extract,
Sunt urmarit in vise mereu de aceleasi 4 scroafe gestante.
I'm always chased in my dreams by the same 4 pregnant sows.
Sunt multi nebuni liberi si asta e un lucru bun,
There are many crazy people free and that's a good thing,
Oricum si eu la randu meu tre' sa fiu un pic nebun.
Anyway, I also have to be a little crazy.
Sunt un ciudat intr-un ciudat secol 21, Nori de fum si praf ma impiedica sa ii simt parfumu'.
I'm a weirdo in a weird 21st century, Clouds of smoke and dust keep me from smelling its perfume.
Cand va arat la muie, nu intelegeti ca glumesc,
When I show you the finger, you don't understand that I'm joking,
Poate fi, ce pula mea, un simplu gest prietenesc.
It could be, what the fuck, a simple friendly gesture.
Daca tot n-am ce imi doresc nu imi doresc sa nu ma opresc,
If I can't have what I want, I don't want to stop,
Si ce detest, e cam ciudat, ma face sa
And what I hate, it's kind of weird, it makes me

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