Paraziții - Fii pregătit - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Paraziții - Fii pregătit

Fii pregătit
Be Prepared
Democratia e un haos controlat, baga la cap
Democracy is controlled chaos, get it straight
Banu′ conduce partidu' suprem, esti controlat
Money runs the supreme party, you're controlled
Libertatea o furi in momentele in care te simti fericit
Freedom you steal in moments when you feel happy
Si-ti permiti un moment de relaxare
And allow yourself a moment of relaxation
Sa mori pentru patrie, astea-s povesti
Dying for your country, those are just stories
Tre′ sa gasesti ceva pentru care merita sa traiesti
You gotta find something worth living for
Prostii mor pentru ideile celor destepti
Fools die for the ideas of the smart
Si nu exista oameni 100% corecti
And there are no people who are 100% right
Cei bogati ignora oamenii desculti, invata s-asculti
The rich ignore the barefoot, learn to listen
Nu dispretui oamenii saraci dar culti
Don't despise the poor but cultured
Vei reusi, vei fi privit cu admiratie si ura
You will succeed, you will be looked at with admiration and hate
Vei fi invidiat pentru femeia ta buna de p***
You will be envied for your f***ing good woman
Legile sunt pentru noi, cei de rand
Laws are for us, the ordinary people
Si asta nu se va schimba curand
And this won't change anytime soon
Incearca sa ma crezi pe cuvant
Try to take my word for it
Nu poti forta un om sa te placa
You can't force someone to like you
Nu esti bine venit, pleaca!
You're not welcome, leave!
Orice rau in final tre' sa treaca
Any bad thing eventually has to pass
Daca oamenii sunt caini cand e vorba de ce-i al lor
If people are dogs when it comes to what's theirs
Mare atentie, nu cumva sa ramai dator
Be careful not to remain in debt
Poti fi tras in p*** de cel mai apropiat,
You can be f***ed over by the closest one,
Poti fi inselat de curva cu care imparti acelasi pat
You can be cheated on by the b**** you share the same bed with
Sa ceri sprijin de la cei care se clatina e egal
Asking for support from those who are wavering is equal
Cu a cauta recunoasterea in discuri de platina.
To seeking recognition in platinum records.
Fii pregatit sa gresesti, pregatit sa urasi
Be prepared to make mistakes, be prepared to hate
Tre' sa privesti cu detasare, mental sa fii tare
You gotta look with detachment, be mentally strong
Fii pregatit sa insulti, pregatit sa minti
Be prepared to insult, be prepared to lie
Adevarul e subiectiv caci e scuipat printre dinti.
The truth is subjective because it's spat through teeth.
Pregatit sa mori sarac, sa ai, sa cazi
Prepared to die poor, to have, to fall
Sa n-ai, sa iei, sa dai?? ca toti te plac asa
To not have, to take, to give?? because everyone likes you that way
Fii pregatit munti de ura sa infrunti
Be prepared to face mountains of hate
Sa ai puterea sa zambesti vazandu-ti parintii carunti
To have the strength to smile seeing your parents grey
Cand toate nu merg sau merg prost
When things don't go well or go wrong
Fara cuvinte invata sa mergi cu pasi mari inainte
Without words, learn to walk with big steps forward
Respecta-ti aproapele sau nu, fii tu
Respect your neighbor or not, be yourself
Nu fii ce te vor altii, respecta legile (sau nu)
Don't be what others want you to be, respect the laws (or not)
Pregatit sa te surprinda nepregatit viata
Be prepared for life to surprise you unprepared
Sa-ti pierzi copii, nevasta, da-o-n mortii ei si p-asta
To lose your kids, your wife, f*** it and this too
Asa zisii prieteni te judeca-n lipsa
So-called friends judge you in your absence
Si-ti intorc spatele atunci cand esti cu mana intinsa
And turn their backs on you when you reach out
Pregatit sa fii privit cu ura si dispret
Be prepared to be looked at with hate and contempt
Atunci cand ai puterea sa faci ceva cu adevarat maret
When you have the power to do something truly great
Nu te lasa condus, nu ai de ce s-admiti
Don't let yourself be led, you have no reason to admit
Ai o sansa in viata in fatza, invata sa profiti,
You have one chance in life ahead, learn to take advantage,
Nu simti durere, nu simti iubire si apreciere
You don't feel pain, you don't feel love and appreciation
Cand tot in lumea asta se rezuma la avere
When everything in this world comes down to wealth
Eu astept sa fiu lovit, astept zambind
I'm waiting to be hit, waiting with a smile
Pentru tot ce am vazut pana acum sunt pregatit.
For everything I've seen so far, I'm prepared.

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