Paraziții - Jos cenzura! - Radio Edit - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Paraziții - Jos cenzura! - Radio Edit

Jos cenzura! - Radio Edit
Down with censorship! - Radio Edit
Muzica e prima voce, oooo
Music has the loudest voice, oooo
Ne-aude oare cineva, oooo
Does anyone hear us, oooo
Ne stim bine drepturile
We know our rights very well
Jos cenzura!
Down with censorship!
Actiunile voastre ne alimenteaza ura
Your actions feed our hatred
Exprimarea libera e castigata-n revolutie
Freedom of expression was won during the revolution
Dreptul nostru si e garantat de constitutie
It's our right and is guaranteed by the constitution
Institutiile bruiaza undele
Institutions jam airwaves
Romania intra-n Europa doar cu numele
Romania is entering Europe only by name
Promisiuni, minciuni, omisiuni, presiuni,
Promises, lies, omissions, pressures,
Televiziuni, sanctiuni, show time la romani
Televisions, sanctions, show time for Romanians
Noi nu dam bani la buget sa ne cenzurati
We don't pay taxes for you to censor us
Jurnalistii sunt batuti, bruscati, amenintati
Journalists are beaten, harassed, threatened
Tara asta-ncepe sa-mi provoace sila
This country makes me sick
Copii! Parintii vostri doar isi plang de mila
Kids! Your parents only cry for mercy
Politizand cultura aratati lumii
Politicizing culture shows the world
Marile slabiciuni ale natiunii
The nation's big weaknesses
Exact ca inchizitia ati inchis OTV
Just like the inquisition, you closed down OTV
Urmeaza Atomic, MTV, Prima sau PRO TV
Next will be Atomic, MTV, Prima, or PRO TV
Asta nu e o politica, e direct eroare
This is not a policy, it's simply wrong
Oare emigrand in masa gasim o rezolvare
Would emigrating en masse bring us a solution
Jos cenzura!
Down with censorship!
2xMuzica e prima voce
2xMusic has the loudest voice
Jos cenzura!
Down with censorship!
Ne-aude oare cineva
Does anyone hear us
Jos cenzura
Down with censorship
Ne stim bine drepturile
We know our rights very well
Jos cenzura!
Down with censorship!
Actiunile voastre ne alimenteaza ura
Your actions feed our hatred
Cei care gandesc altfel decat sistemul sunt pusi la perete
Those who think differently than the system are put up against the wall
Redusi la tacere prin cenzura fara regrete
Reduced to silence by censorship without regrets
Multe sanctiuni, toate decizii luate, incorecte
Many sanctions, all decisions inade, incorrect
Toti care au ceva de spus sunt pusi la perete
All those who have something to say are put up against the wall
In '98 ati confiscat casete cu hip-hop de pe tarabe
In '98 you confiscated hip-hop cassettes from around the country
Trupele inca exista, aha, asta va roade?
The bands still exist, aha, does this gnaw at you?
Emisiuni interzise din diverse interese
Shows prohibited for various interests
Ziaristi cu mainile legate sau rupte
Journalists with their hands tied or broken
De niste minti corupte
By corrupt minds
Oamenii de radio vizati au simtit efectul
Targeted radio people felt the effect
In cativa ani au ajuns sa-si numere banii cu magnetu'
In a few years they got to counting their money with a magnet
V-ati dat dreptul sa amendati dupa bunul plac
You've given yourself the right to fine at will
Care sunt adevaratele criterii de care tineti cont, de fapt?
What are the real criteria you actually consider?
Comunismul a murit dar spiritul a ramas in tara
Communism is dead but its spirit remains in the country
Ne indreptam cu pasi mari spre o parodie nationala
We're heading in big steps toward a national parody
Cu piciorul in gat pus nu ne lasam luati de val
With our foot in a vice but we won't let ourselves be swept away
O sa sustinem concertele pe scene amplasate ilegal
We'll support concerts on illegally placed stages
2xMuzica e prima voce
2xMusic has the loudest voice
Jos cenzura!
Down with censorship!
Ne-aude oare cineva
Does anyone hear us
Jos cenzura!
Down with censorship!
Ne stim bine drepturile
We know our rights very well
Jos cenzura!
Down with censorship!
Actiunile voastre ne alimenteaza ura
Your actions feed our hatred
Jos cenzura!
Down with censorship!

Авторы: Paraziții

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