Paraziții - Nr. 1 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Paraziții - Nr. 1

Nr. 1
Number One
Ai grija doar de Numarul Unu,
Take care of only Number One,
Daca cerul cade,
If the sky falls,
Si se rupe-n doua,
And breaks in two,
Vine peste tine frate.
It'll fall on you, brother.
Viata-i ca un joc de sah,
Life is like a chess game,
Joc de sah, bine spus,
Chess game, well said,
Din nou, poti sa devii un joc,
Again, you can become a game,
Rege sau Pion,
King or Pawn,
Vad multi bani care se invart in jurul meu,
I see a lot of money spinning around me,
Parc-as fi in micul vest,
Like I'm in the Wild West,
Deschid ochii ma trezesc,
I open my eyes and wake up,
Sunt in marele est,
I'm in the Big East,
In intuneric privesc,
I look into the darkness,
Innebunesc daca n'aflu ce se-ntampla,
I'm going crazy if I don't find out what's going on,
Poate-i un alt vis, e-atat de trist,
Maybe it's another dream, it's so sad,
Nu-mi pasa, un pas, un pas atletic inainte,
I don't care, a step, a step, a step athletic forward,
Parca-mi aduc aminte,
I seem to remember,
Romania est sau vest, nu poa' sa reprezinte,
Romania east or west, it can't represent,
Am grija doar de numarul unu, daca cerul cade
I take care of only number one, if the sky falls
Si se rupe-n doua vine peste mine frate,
And breaks in two, it'll fall on me, brother,
Niciodata nu privesc in spate,
I never look back,
Fiecare trage pentru el,
Everyone is pulling for themselves,
Trage si tu ca el,
You pull for yourself,
Fa si tu la fel...
You do the same...
Ai grija doar de Numarul Unu,
Take care of only Number One,
Daca cerul cade,
If the sky falls,
Si se rupe-n doua,
And breaks in two,
Vine peste tine frate.
It'll fall on you, brother.
Am 20 de ani, 80 de kile, un metru 87,
I'm 20 years old, 176 pounds, six feet two,
Am invatat ca daca stai in spate
I learned that if you stay behind
O sa ramai in spate
You'll stay behind
De la sursa in direct spun ca viata e o cursa,
Live from the source, I say that life is a race,
Te-atinge, te-mpinge, te strange,
It touches you, pushes you, squeezes you,
Poate n-ai in tine sange,
Maybe you don't have blood in you,
Fi doar ce vrei sa fii,
Just be what you want to be,
Singur intre toti,
Alone among all,
Calca peste toti,
Trample over all,
Daca poti
If you can
Nimeni nu e pentru tine,
No one is for you,
Nimeni nu e langa tine
No one is beside you
Faci bine, suge-o tu,
You do well, suck it up,
Incepand de maine,
Starting tomorrow,
Frate-mi esti frate
You're my brother only when I want you to be my brother,
Doar atunci cand vreau eu sa-mi fii frate,
You're my brother only when I want you to be my brother,
Frate-mi esti frate,
You're my brother,
Nu mai tine in tine ura,
Don't hold any hate inside you,
Daca cerul cade tre' sa ti se rupa p***.
If the sky falls, it's gonna break your ****.
Ai grija doar de Numarul Unu,
Take care of only Number One,
Daca cerul cade,
If the sky falls,
Si se rupe-n doua,
And breaks in two,
Vine peste tine frate.
It'll fall on you, brother.

Авторы: Paraziții

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