Paraziții - Payback (Dă-te-n gâtu' mă-tii) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Paraziții - Payback (Dă-te-n gâtu' mă-tii)

Payback (Dă-te-n gâtu' mă-tii)
Payback (**** Your Mother)
Presupun ca m-auzi acum
I assume you hear me now
Ai un post de conducere bine platit si esti praf?
You have a well-paid management position and you're a mess?
Ai interese personale si tragi din banii publici?
You have personal interests and you're stealing public money?
Te pupa lumea-n **** ca ai bani si esti un taran cu patru clase?
People kiss your *** because you have money and you're a peasant with four grades?
Primesti bani ca sa difuzezi muzica de proasta calitate?
Do you get money to spread low-quality music?
Ai supt **** ca sa scoti album?
Did you suck *** to release an album?
Iti lingi in *** seful ca sa-ajungi un sef mai mic?
Do you lick your boss's *** to become a smaller boss?
Date-n gatu m**ii!
**** your mother!
Strofa 1:
Verse 1:
Suntem singurii care te ***** in cutia limbii
We're the only ones who **** you in the box of the tongue
Din instinct iti dam la cap in fata multimii
Instinctively, we hit you in the head in front of the crowd
Publicul striga: **** CNA! consiliul n-aude
The audience shouts: **** CNA! the council doesn't hear
Preocupat sa traga bani si Pilif rade
Busy taking money and Pilif laughs
Cand parlamentu' ales nu e in stare sa ma reprezinte
When the elected parliament is unable to represent me
Mi se rupe **** de cine iese presedinte
I don't give a **** who becomes president
Dj-ul de radio e preocupat doar de-audienta
The radio DJ is only concerned with the audience
Cand doar publicul ar trebui sa dea licenta
When only the public should give the license
Spun asta masurandu-mi curajul in inconstienta
I say this measuring my courage in unconsciousness
Caci intre 84 si 2004 nu-i diferenta
Because between '84 and '04 there is no difference
Daca puterea mea statea in pumni va trimiteam spre alte lumi
If my power was in my fists, I'd send you to other worlds
Si populam legat de ham azilul de nebuni
And populate the asylum with lunatics tied to the leash
Cand dati inapoi ramanem singuri, e de *****
When you back down we are left alone, it sucks
Sunt impacat cu mine noi macar am incercat
I'm at peace with myself, we at least tried
N-am bani de dat actorilor care
I have no money to give to actors who
N-au loc in platou nici la cea mai obscura filmare
Have no place on set even in the most obscure film
Date-n gatu m**ii e replica vietii tale
**** your mother is the replica of your life
Cand eu-mi bag **** in bani masini faima si tzoale
When I put my **** in money, cars, fame and clothes
Acest vers e antistres, pune-l cat mai des
This verse is anti-stress, put it on as often as possible
Cand dau la microfon inevitabil ma distrez
When I get on the microphone, I inevitably have fun
Simpatizantii prostiei sunt la conducere
The supporters of stupidity are in charge
Prostul gust provoaca ulcere cand nimeni nu-l cere
Bad taste causes ulcers when nobody asks for it
De-ntrebi de ce folosesc o exprimare dura
If you ask why I use harsh language
Sunt facut de-asa natura sa te *** in gura
I'm made by nature to **** you in the mouth
Presupun ca m-auzi acum, date-n gatu m**ii
I assume you hear me now, **** your mother
Date-n gatu m**ii, date-n gatu m**ii
**** your mother, **** your mother
Te luam la **** razand oricum, date-n gatu m**ii
We'll take you to **** laughing anyway, **** your mother
Date-n gatu m**ii, date-n gatu m**ii
**** your mother, **** your mother
Presupun ca m-auzi acum, date-n gatu m**ii
I assume you hear me now, **** your mother
Date-n gatu m**ii, date-n gatu m**ii
**** your mother, **** your mother
Te luam la **** razand oricum, date-n gatu m**ii
We'll take you to **** laughing anyway, **** your mother
Date-n gatu m**ii, date-n gatu m**ii
**** your mother, **** your mother
Strofa 2:
Verse 2:
Pun doua maini la gura si spun in **** mea
I put two hands to my mouth and say **** it
Ba Ombladon lasama sa vorbesc date-n ****** (fa vorbeste frumos)
Hey Ombladon, let me speak, **** it (speak nicely)
Ca tot vine vorba ca astazi sa umplem morga
As we're talking about filling the morgue today
Sa ridicam mainile pentru al nostru maiestru domnul Marius Moga
Let's raise our hands for our maestro Mr. Marius Moga
Cati dintre voi stiu ca Simplu cu Cream
How many of you know that Simplu cu Cream
E o ciordeala nesimtita dupa Outkast "so fresh so clean"
Is a shameless rip-off after Outkast "so fresh so clean"
Ma umplu de draci (ba da taci) ba da ma lasi
I'm getting pissed off (shut up) let me be
Ce **** mea (date-n **** mea)
What the **** (**** it)
Vad cum isi publica soarta de ***** (atunci da-i cu trompa-n cap)
I see how he publishes his ***** destiny (then hit him in the head with the horn)
Ii dau da-i in **** mea
I hit him, hit him in the ****
(Auzi Ioane n-ai respect nici pentru Horia Moiculescu?)
(Listen Ioane, you have no respect even for Horia Moiculescu?)
Cum **** mea sa am cand eu credeam ca sa dus odata cu Ceausescu
How the **** can I have when I thought it was gone with Ceausescu
(Nici pentru Paunescu?)
(Not even for Paunescu?)
A sustinut regimul comunist
He supported the communist regime
(Ba ba ba tu ma bagi la puscarie date-n **** mea de nesimtit)
(Dude dude dude, you're putting me in jail, **** it, you jerk)
Hei domnul DJ sa promovezi ***** cati bani iti iei?
Hey Mr. DJ, how much money do you take to promote *****?
Parazitii de ce nu sunt pe radio? n-au bani sau sunt prea grei?
Why are Parazitii not on the radio? they have no money or are they too heavy?
(IOANEE taci in **** mea!)
(IOANEE shut the **** up!)
Te-ntrebi de ce folosesc o exprimare dura
You wonder why I use harsh language
(Zi ma ia)
(Say it, man)
Sunt facut de-asa natura sa te *** in gura
I'm made by nature to **** you in the mouth
(Esti mare om)
(You're a big man)
Presupun ca m-auzi acum, date-n gatu m**ii
I assume you hear me now, **** your mother
Date-n gatu m**ii, date-n gatu m**ii
**** your mother, **** your mother
Te luam la **** razand oricum, date-n gatu m**ii
We'll take you to **** laughing anyway, **** your mother
Date-n gatu m**ii, date-n gatu m**ii
**** your mother, **** your mother
Presupun ca m-auzi acum, date-n gatu m**ii
I assume you hear me now, **** your mother
Date-n gatu m**ii, date-n gatu m**ii
**** your mother, **** your mother
Te luam la **** razand oricum, date-n gatu m**ii
We'll take you to **** laughing anyway, **** your mother
Date-n gatu m**ii, date-n gatu m**ii
**** your mother, **** your mother
Da da da... adresam acest promotional: date-n gatu m**ii
Yeah yeah yeah... we address this promo: **** your mother
Tuturor carnatilor care in trecut si-au s***o cu alunecatie
To all the sausages who in the past sucked *** with slip

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