Paraziții - Standarde - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Paraziții - Standarde

Am smuls 3 plante din gradina de la 9
I pulled 3 plants from the garden of at 9
Suspind in parc salvind iarba-n doua
I sigh while saving grass in the park in two
Am rulat doua trompete
I rolled two trumpets
N-o sa suflu-n ele
I'm not going to blow them
O sa cant obscenitati despre coardele mele
I'll sing obscenities about my vocal cords
Ingeru' meu pazitor e drogat pe canapea
My guardian angel is zonked out on the couch
Vezi coaie ca n-ai grija de persoana mea
See, asshole, you're not looking after me
Sa moara ma-ta-n zbor
Your mother will die in a plane crash
Esti mai mort ca noi
You're more dead than us
Daca stiam ca te bagi fumam pentru amandoi.
If I knew you were coming, I would have smoked for both of us.
Acum stau cu berea-n gura
Now I'm sitting with beer in my mouth
Pus in cur pe bordura
On the curb
Numar cate 3, 2 tovarasi bun de bautura
I count by threes, 2 good drinking buddies
Partea proasta-i ca guvernu' baga dealeri in parnaie
The bad part is, the government is putting dealers in jail
Sa fumam speriati doar sub geamu de la baie
So we smoke scared under the bathroom window
Aprind jointu' la volan si direct zambesc,
I light up a joint at the steering wheel and smile
Cred ca merg invers
I think I'm going backwards
Daca accelerez m-opresc?
If I accelerate, will I stop?
Mi-e teama ca riscam sa murim de plictiseala
I'm afraid we'll die of boredom
De-aia fumam marijuana cand o frecam la scoala
That's why I smoke marijuana when I'm fucking at school
Apropo, vine stie cum am ajuns eu in masina
By the way, she knows how I got in the car
Ca-m o fata-n pula mea un politisit si-o vitrina.
Because in my dick is a girl, a police officer, and a store window.
Tre' sa trag un shoot treaz nu ma mai suport
I have to take a shot, sober, I can't stand myself
Cu un ultim efort o sa ma-nbat ca un porc
With one last effort I'll get drunk like a pig
Vreau sa afle toti nu sa citeasca-n stele
I want everyone to know, not read it in the stars
Ma comport exemplar dupa standardele mele.x2
My behavior is exemplary by my standards.x2

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