Paraziții - Violent - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Paraziții - Violent

Am microfonu′ deschis
My mic is on
Negativu' pah disc
The negative's on the disc
Prea tare
Too loud
Ritmu′ e bun, va pun fortat in miscare
The beat is good, I'll force you to move
Revendicam scena de la prima strigare
We claim the stage from the first shout
Cu picioarele pe pamant si cu fum in cap,
With our feet on the ground and smoke in our heads,
N'am stare
We can't stand still
Distrusii spun ca o ard in figuri
The destroyed say we're burning it up in style
Eu rad cu patru guri
I laugh with four mouths
Toti terminatii la femei in WCu' sunt duri
All the dudes obsessed with women in the WC are tough
Am arsuri de gradu′ 3 pah gat, inca le torn
I have third-degree burns on my throat, still pouring it down
Si tot patru ore pe noapte dorm
And I still only sleep four hours a night
Intorc orice jignire de 10 ori ori doi
I return any insult tenfold, times two
Va dau inapoi cu sl***z in timpane si genunchii moi
I give it back to you with sl*ts in your ears and my knees
Actionam violent, ne difuzati in FM
We act violently, you broadcast us on FM
Spunem ce vrem shi ne fu**m in el de sistem
We say what we want and we f**k the system
Actionam violent, ne difuzati in FM
We act violently, you broadcast us on FM
Spunem ce vrem shi ne fu**m in el de sistem
We say what we want and we f**k the system
Mi se reproseaza mereu ca nu am sentimente, de fapt
I'm always accused of having no feelings, in fact
Le am intr-un prezervativ innodat dupa orice contact
I have them in a knotted condom after every contact
Sunt rau platnic la stat, satul de stat in acest stat
I'm a bad payer to the state, tired of living in this state
Camuflat combat orice platex, acum bat
Camouflaged, I fight any платеx, now I fight
Orice c***a in pat, pentru orice fac
Any b*tch in bed, for anything I do
Aceeasi scuza pe buze se scurge: Sunt beat!
The same excuse spills from my lips: I'm drunk!
Fiind beat, consum, trag in piept si scot fum
Being drunk, I consume, I inhale and exhale smoke
Garda-mi bate-n usa, le spun ca nu-s acas-acum
The guards knock on my door, I tell them I'm not home right now
Pe cele 7 carari singur imi vad de drum
On the seven paths, I walk my own way alone
Imi spui sa ma duc la dracu dar n-am cum
You tell me to go to hell, but I can't
Ca sunt deja acolo acum
Because I'm already there
Anunt important pentru curvele bete:
Important announcement for drunk b*tches:
Asta nu-i basorelief,
This ain't a bas-relief,
Sunt eu care m****s cu spatele la perete
It's me f**king with my back against the wall
In pat cand f*t, e full-contact cu adevarat
In bed when I f*ck, it's real full-contact
Zdreanta fuge cu perdeaua-n cap
The tramp runs away with the curtain on her head
E distractiv, savureaza momentu′
It's fun, savor the moment
Sunt ala care-ti baga p**a-n gat
I'm the one who sticks his d*ck down your throat
Cand cade curentu'
When the power goes out
Nu sunt credincios de fel, n-am zel
I'm not religious by nature, I have no zeal
Imi bag p**a-n politicieni, sunt toti la fel
I stick my d*ck in politicians, they're all the same
Puneti paharu′ pe zid
Put the glass on the wall
S-auziti ce n-ati auzit
Hear what you haven't heard
Daca eram un pic mai prost, eram fericit
If I was a little dumber, I'd be happy
Sunt abonat Love Plus cand femeile nu vor s*x sus
I'm a Love Plus subscriber when women don't want sex on top
Condus de THC stii ca-mi place sa fiu confuz
Driven by THC, you know I like to be confused
Plin de draci in Dacie pana la refuz
Full of devils in Dacia, to the max
Cand trece-un parvenit redus
When a reduced upstart passes by
Conducand un Lexus
Driving a Lexus
Sunt beat, drogat, obsedat, sunt cum vreau yo
I'm drunk, drugged, obsessed, I'm how I wanna be, yo
Sunt multi care spun multe, dar nimic nou
There are many who say a lot, but nothing new
Eram in alta parte, departe, acum aveam bani frumosi
I was somewhere else, far away, I would have had good money now
Daca-aveam noroc in viata de bani, cum am noroc de prosti
If I had luck with money in life, like I have luck with idiots
Critici, dar nu cunosti, ai grija ce-mi ceri
You criticize, but you don't know, be careful what you ask for
Ca te las ca la dentist, cu banii luati si cu dureri
Because I'll leave you like at the dentist, with your money taken and in pain
Urasc omu prost cum urasc mancarea de post
I hate stupid people like I hate fasting food
Platiti alta fata sa va zambeasca contra-cost
Pay another girl to smile at you for a price
Viata e singuru Infern, un chin etern
Life is the only Hell, an eternal torment
Daca esti zi de zi propiul tau subaltern
If you're your own subordinate day after day
Afara e o vreme neprietenoasa
The weather outside is unfriendly
Iar ai mei n-au bani sa ma tina cu p**a-n sus acasa
And my parents don't have the money to keep my d*ck up at home
Mesaj pentru fanii care vor sa ma cunoasca
Message for the fans who want to know me
Nu exista idoli, lasati muzica sa vorbeasca
There are no idols, let the music speak
Vinilu' se-nvarte, orele par scurte,
The vinyl spins, the hours seem short,
Nu te impacienta, am rime multe!
Don't get impatient, I have many rhymes!
Traind in Romania facem parte dintr-un popor sarac
Living in Romania, we are part of a poor people
Unde in fiecare scara de bloc miroase rau a scanc
Where every staircase in every block stinks of whining
Mi s-a parut amuzant, exact ca un banc
It seemed funny to me, just like a joke
Cand ti-ai pierdut lantu iar sor-ta virginitatea in acelasi gang
When you lost your chain and your sister her virginity in the same alley
O arzi cu Bling-Bling cand totu-i blindat in c***t
You're all about Bling-Bling when everything is armored in sh*t
In saracie intr-un sistem depravat
In poverty, in a depraved system
Te dai Pimpin′ bai pipi ca P. Diddy
You pretend to be a Pimp, you little pee like P. Diddy
Diferenta e ca c***tu' ala face si bani
The difference is that that a**hole also makes money
Nu doar impresii
Not just impressions
Transmit in beat pe beat dintr-un sant
I transmit beat by beat from a ditch
Si-mi bag p**a conshtient in generatzia McDonald′s.
And I consciously stick my d*ck in the McDonald's generation.

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