Paraziții feat. Andrei Gheorghe - Dreptul la replică - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Paraziții feat. Andrei Gheorghe - Dreptul la replică

Dreptul la replică
Right of Reply
[ Cheloo ]
[ Cheloo ]
2004, pura fictiune, te transport in timp,
2004, pure fiction, I transport you in time,
Vei calatorii gratuit spre un nou regim.
You will travel for free to a new regime.
Stim deja cazuri de coruptie
We already know cases of corruption
Din senat, guvern, armata si politie.
From the senate, government, army and police.
Oare nimeni n-a dat atentie in atatia ani,
Has no one paid attention in all these years,
Sau aveti placerea sa fiti condusi de cleptomani?!?
Or do you enjoy being led by kleptomaniacs?!?
N-am coborat ieri din bananier,
I didn't just come down from the banana tree,
Momentan sunt in audienta... la premier.
Right now I'm in an audience... with the prime minister.
[ Ombladon ]
[ Ombladon ]
Cat timp tre sa treaca, politicienii nostrii sa-nteleaga?!?
How long must it take for our politicians to understand?!?
Caci stim cu totii in ce cacat se scalda.
Because we all know what shit they bathe in.
Astept de mult raspunsul la o intrebare: [ Sa vina! ]
I've been waiting a long time for the answer to one question: [ Let it come! ]
Cati dintre politicieni prizeaza cocaina?!?
How many politicians snort cocaine?!?
Acuzati poporul ca nu-i civilizat, pai cum cacat sa fie?!?
You accuse the people of not being civilized, how the fuck can they be?!?
E deprimat cu adevarat!
They're truly depressed!
Se stie: cand omu′ n-are ce sa puna-n farfurie
It's known: when a man has nothing to put on his plate
Cu siguranta-l doare fix in pula unde arunca o hartie!
He surely doesn't give a fuck where he throws a piece of paper!
N-am habar, domnul prim ministru, dar spune tu, daca nu se fura
I have no idea, Mr. Prime Minister, but tell me, if there was no stealing
Cum v-ati ridicat vile din salariu de 1000 de parai pe luna?!?
How did you build mansions from a salary of 1000 bucks a month?!?
Iti suna cunoscut?!?
Sounds familiar?!?
Va pisati pe noi continuu, iar zi-mi:
You piss on us continuously, so tell me:
Fiu-tu se bucura la alocatie ca fiu-miu?!? [ Nu cred! ]
Does your son enjoy his allowance like my son does?!? [ I don't think so! ]
In multe tari ti-ai dus familia pe banii nostrii,
You took your family to many countries with our money,
Iar noi ca prostii plangem dupa fostii. [ Era altceva! ]
And we, like fools, cry after the old ones. [ It was different! ]
Furau cu mai mult bun simt cei dinaintea ta!
Those before you stole with more decency!
[ Cheloo ]
[ Cheloo ]
Bagav-ati in pamant incet metru cu metru!
You're burying us slowly, meter by meter!
Imi respect dreptul de-a face ce vreau,
I respect my right to do what I want,
Nu vreau sa va castig respectul.
I don't want to earn your respect.
Nu vedeti efectul, imunitatea afecteaza grav intelectul.
You don't see the effect, immunity severely affects the intellect.
Legea CNA modificata te leaga legal,
The amended CNA law binds you legally,
N-am voie sa spun nimic de interes national.
I'm not allowed to say anything of national interest.
Presa libera va desconsidera de mult in manevre litera cu litera.
The free press has long disregarded you in maneuvers, letter by letter.
Dreptul meu la replica nu e un dar pe care voi mi-l faceti,
My right of reply is not a gift you give me,
Nu mai votez pe nimeni, nici daca ma bateti!
I won't vote for anyone anymore, even if you beat me!
Va retrageti mereu in umbra, ascunsi de propaganda,
You always retreat into the shadows, hidden by propaganda,
Faceti contrabanda, pe banda rulanta.
You smuggle, on the conveyor belt.
Incep sa fierb dar nu ma pierd.
I'm starting to boil, but I'm not losing myself.
Alege ultimul episod, te rog - Alegeri:
Choose the last episode, please - Elections:
Conferinte de guvern sau gratare la Snavog?
Government conferences or barbecues at Snagov?
Bah, tarfa sub acoperire nu se imbraca-n mov!
Bah, a bitch undercover doesn't wear purple!
[ Ombladon ] Ia zi gogule, a iesit marfa?!?
[ Ombladon ] Hey buddy, did the goods come out?!?
S-ar putea sa te calce vreo masina neagra dupa piesa asta!
You might get run over by a black car after this song!
[ Ombladon ] Ce-ai zis?!?
[ Ombladon ] What did you say?!?
S-ar putea sa te calce vreo masina neagra dupa piesa asta!
You might get run over by a black car after this song!
[ Ombladon ] Crezi?!?. hmhhm. groaznic...
[ Ombladon ] You think?!? hmhhm. terrible...
[ Andrei Gheorghe ]
[ Andrei Gheorghe ]
Stau si ma scobesc in fund intr-un studiou bimund
I'm sitting and picking my ass in a bimundial studio
Undeva sub pamant impreuna cu trupa Parazitii.
Somewhere underground with the band Parazitii.
Transpiram de ne cad flocii si dintii;
We sweat until our hair and teeth fall out;
Si ne gandim ca afara daca iesim o sa gasim un Jack Beam sau un Jim Daniels
And we think that if we go outside we'll find a Jack Beam or a Jim Daniels
Confuzie intre doua termene idioate, cretine si nesfarsite.
Confusion between two idiotic, stupid and endless terms.
*Ragait* Legea dreptului la ragait.
*Burp* The law of the right to burp.
Cu ce este mai indecenta pula decat furtul?!?
How is dick more indecent than theft?!?
Intrebare pentru clasa a patra...
Question for the fourth grade...
Angelica, vrei sa-mi bag pula-n tine?!?
Angelica, do you want me to stick my dick in you?!?
Da, multumesc Maricel.
Yes, thank you Maricel.
Daca eu dau textul asta pe radio a doua zi voi fi condamnat,
If I say this text on the radio tomorrow I will be condemned,
Dar daca fur 500.000.000.000 Lei niciodata nu voi fi penal asasinat.
But if I steal 500,000,000,000 Lei I will never be criminally assassinated.
Oricine stie ca se ia spaga, oricine stie si numele carora li s-a dat
Everyone knows that bribes are taken, everyone knows the names of those who were given
Si nimeni niciodata nu o sa recunoasca si n-o sa spuna
And no one will ever admit it and say it
Si o sa moara cu cugetul impacat.
And they will die with a clear conscience.
Clasa politica din romania impartita intre Stolojan vreme de-un an,
The political class in Romania divided between Stolojan for a year,
Roman, Iliescu zambeste maestru si Nastase,
Roman, Iliescu smiles masterfully and Nastase,
Care cu patru case avanseaza inainte inspre Nistorescu,
Who with four houses advances forward towards Nistorescu,
Care isi pune ochelari de soare cumparati cu dolari si parale
Who puts on sunglasses bought with dollars and pennies
Si porma aluneca ma in jos inspre Tinu, care o face cu afeceristu' Babuinu′.
And then slides down to Tinu, who does it with the businessman Babuinu′.
Si incolo intre ziare si televiziuni si alte chestii nasoale... ca prostii dam noi telefoane:
And in between newspapers and televisions and other nasty things... like fools we make phone calls:
Gheorghe, ce faci?!? Buna Ziua, vreau sa spun ca te iubesc foarte mult!
Gheorghe, what are you doing?!? Good morning, I want to say that I love you very much!
Muie si sacaz
Blowjob and suck it
Romania e cea mai buna idee care s-a intamplat vreodata romanilor.
Romania is the best idea that ever happened to Romanians.
La revedere, domn' prim ministru.
Goodbye, Mr. Prime Minister.
Mergem mai departe.
We move on.
Este tara in care niciodata nimic nu se termina!
It is the country where nothing ever ends!

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