Parni Valjak - A Ja Bih Sa Vragom - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Parni Valjak - A Ja Bih Sa Vragom

A Ja Bih Sa Vragom
I Would Make a Pact with the Devil
Opet tjeskobe,
Again the troubles,
Strahovi stari.
The old fears.
Ispred mene
In front of me
Nema ništa što obećava.
There is nothing that promises.
U mraku sjedim,
I sit in the dark,
Hladno se znojim,
I sweat coldly,
Proznajem javno,
I confess publicly,
A jedini nisam koji se bojim.
And I'm not the only one who's afraid.
Ni stari mi nije utjeha neka,
Even my old man is no comfort,
Na njemu vidim što i mene čeka,
I see on him what awaits me too,
Rintao je čitav život,
He's been fighting all his life,
A nema ništa osim godina.
And he's got nothing but years.
Sve češće zaboravlja stvari
He forgets things more and more often
I kosti ga bole kad vrijeme se kvari.
And his bones hurt when the weather changes.
A ni stara nije ništa bolje,
And my old lady is no better,
Nemaju volje,
They have no will,
Nemaju volje.
They have no will.
A ja bih sa vragom sklopio savez
And I would make a pact with the devil
I ne bi, ne bi pekla me savjest,
And my conscience wouldn't bother me,
A ja bih sa vragom sklopio savez
And I would make a pact with the devil
I ne bi, ne bi pekla me savjest,
And my conscience wouldn't bother me,
Da netko drugi stari ′mjesto mene,
If someone else would age instead of me,
Da slika zaustavi vrijeme.
If a picture would stop time.
Kosa me napušta brže no što treba,
My hair is leaving me faster than it should,
I borim se k'o lud za svaki zub,
And I fight like crazy for every tooth,
Al′ vrijeme nosi svoje, vrijeme nosi svoje,
But time takes its toll, time takes its toll,
Sve je uzalud.
It's all in vain.
A i tebi, dušo, već vidim prve sijede,
And I can already see the first gray hairs on you too,
A koliko još jučer bila si dijete.
And just yesterday you were still a child.
I iako još uvijek izgledaš bolje
And even though you still look better
Od svake klinke što gradom šeće,
Than any girl who walks the city,
Žao mi je i zbog tebe i zbog sebe
I feel sorry for you and for me
Što to još dugo trajati neće.
That this won't last much longer.
I zato bih s vragom sklopio savez
And that's why I would make a pact with the devil
I ne bi, ne bi pekla me savjest,
And my conscience wouldn't bother me,
I zato bih s vragom sklopio savez
And that's why I would make a pact with the devil
I ne bi, ne bi pekla me savjest,
And my conscience wouldn't bother me,
Da netko drugi stari 'mjesto tebe,
If someone else would age instead of you,
Da netko drugi stari 'mjesto mene.
If someone else would age instead of me.
I zato bih s vragom sklopio savez
And that's why I would make a pact with the devil
I ne bi, ne bi pekla me savjest,
And my conscience wouldn't bother me,
A ja bih sa vragom sklopio savez
And I would make a pact with the devil
I ne bi, ne bi pekla me savjest,
And my conscience wouldn't bother me,
Da netko drugi stari ′mjesto mene,
If someone else would age instead of me,
Da slika zaustavi vrijeme.
If a picture would stop time.

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