Parni Valjak - Ma 'ajde (gledaj stvari mojim očima) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Parni Valjak - Ma 'ajde (gledaj stvari mojim očima)

Ma 'ajde (gledaj stvari mojim očima)
Come on girl (look at things through my eyes)
Sarene djevojcice leprsaju,
Colorful girls are flirting,
Proljece je pocelo.
Spring has begun.
I ovoj smijesnoj kugli
And to this funny planet
Nista novo nije donijelo
Nothing new has been brought
Ja se smijem,
I am laughing,
A ti si opet ozbiljna
But you are serious again
Vjecno trazis odgovor
You are always looking for an answer
Na svoja pitanja.
To your questions.
Ucini kao ja,
Do like me,
Za drugo nema vremena
There is no time for anything else
A ja ja ja.
And I, I, I.
Ma gajde, gledaj stvari mojim ocima
Come on girl, look at things through my eyes
Nema vremena za svadjanja
There is no time for quarrels
Pjesma kratko traje
The song is short
Za ruzne stvari
For bad things
Nismo krivi ni ti ni ja
Neither you nor I are to blame
Samo zato sto ti hoces
Just because you want
Nece biti promjena.
There will be no change.
Pogledaj kroz prozor,
Look out the window,
Gomila je bezbrizna
The crowd is carefree
Otkud ti ideja
Where did you get the idea
Da imas izbora.
That you have a choice.
Ucini kao i ja,
Do like me,
Za drugo nema vremena
There is no time for anything else
Aj ja ja...
Yay, yay, yay...
Ma hajde,
Come on,
Gledaj stvari mojim ocima
Look at things through my eyes
Nema razloga za svadjanja
There is no reason for quarrels
Sve je jednostavno
Everything is simple
Come on,
Gledaj stvari mojim ocima
Look at things through my eyes
Nema vremena za svadjanja
There is no time for quarrels
Pjesma kratko traje
The song is short
Come on,
Gledaj stvari mojim očima
Look at things through my eyes
Nema razloga za svađanja
There is no reason for quarrels
Sve je jednostavno.
Everything is simple.
Come on,
Gledaj stvari mojom očima
Look at things through my eyes
Nema vremena za svađanja
There is no time for quarrels
Pjesma kratko traje
The song is short
Come on,
Gledaj stvari mojim očima...
Look at things through my eyes...

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