Parni Valjak feat. Gibonni - U Prolazu - Live - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Parni Valjak feat. Gibonni - U Prolazu - Live

U Prolazu - Live
In Passing - Live
Ja samog sebe ne bih nikad čekao
I would never wait for myself
Još bih manje samom sebi vjerovao
Even less would I trust myself
Al' nikada ti neću reći istinu
But I'll never tell you the truth
Jer volim tvoju ruku na svom ramenu
Because I love your hand on my shoulder
Kad kažem da te volim, pazi prevara
When I say I love you, beware deception
Ja sam samo željan tvojih dodira
I'm only longing for your touch
I nikada ti neću reći istinu
And I'll never tell you the truth
Jer ja sam tu, u prolazu
Because I'm here, just passing through
U prolazu
Just passing through
U prolazu
Just passing through
Jednom nogom tu
One foot here
Drugom prema izlazu
The other towards the exit
Sviđa mi se kako noćas izgledaš
I like the way you look tonight
Sviđa mi se to što mi pripadaš
I like that you're mine
Al' nikada ti neću reći istinu
But I'll never tell you the truth
Jer ima nešto lijepo u tvom pogledu
Because there's something beautiful in your eyes
A ja, ja, ja, ja sam samo klaun
And I, I, I, I'm just a clown
I nikome ne govorim što osjećam
And I don't tell anyone how I feel
Al' ipak ću ti jednom reći istinu
But I will tell you the truth someday
Jer ja sam tu, u prolazu
Because I'm here, just passing through
U prolazu
Just passing through
U prolazu
Just passing through
Jednom nogom tu
One foot here
Drugom prema izlazu
The other towards the exit
U prolazu
Just passing through
U prolazu
Just passing through
Jednom nogom tu
One foot here
Drugom prema izlazu
The other towards the exit
U prolazu
Just passing through
U prolazu
Just passing through
Jednom nogom tu
One foot here
Drugom prema izlazu
The other towards the exit
U prolazu
Just passing through
U prolazu
Just passing through
Jednom nogom tu
One foot here
Drugom prema izlazu
The other towards the exit
U prolazu
Just passing through
U prolazu
Just passing through
Jednom nogom tu
One foot here
Drugom prema izlazu
The other towards the exit

Авторы: Husein Hasanefendic

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