Pasha Parfeni - Acasa - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pasha Parfeni - Acasa

Acasa inflorit-au trandafirii
Home, the roses are blooming
Acasa ma asteapta cineva
Someone is waiting for me at home
Si pot citi in dulcile priviri
And I can read in sweet eyes
Atat de dor ne-a fost de-a be vedea
We missed seeing each other so much
Atata timp s-a scurs pe undeva
So much time has passed somewhere
Ograda-ti este plina de-amintiri
Your yard is full of memories
Si-ascunde-n umbra ei povestea ta
And hides your story in its shade
Si intr-un glas cu ea si tu respiri
And together with it you breathe
As vrea sa pot s-o simt si eu asa
I would like to be able to feel it like you do
Asa cum o simteam si eu candva
The way I used to feel it once
Vreau sa ma intrebi in soapta
I want you to ask me in a whisper
Langa nucul de la poarta
Near the walnut tree by the gate
Cand sa ma astepti cu paine calda din cuptor
When to expect me with warm bread from the oven
Vreau sa-ti povestesc in soapta
I want to tell you in a whisper
Langa nucul de la poarta
Near the walnut tree by the gate
Cum se zbate inima de dor
How my heart beats with longing
Carare, mersul mi l-ai cunoscut
Pathway, you know my gait
Dar mai grabit ma duci spre casa mea
But you take me home more quickly
Pasesc de parca aripi mi-au crescut
My steps are light as if I had wings
Atat de mare dorul mi-e de ea
I miss her so much
Asculta-mi cum se zbate inima
Listen to my heart beat
... E ea
... It's her
Covor de iarba verde s-a tesut
A carpet of green grass has been woven
Si verde s-a facut si via ta
And your life has also turned green
Pacat, dar anii care au trecut
But unfortunately, the years that have passed
Nu pot ramane verzi oricat as vrea
Can't remain green as much as I would like
Sa-i pot opri nu e-n puterea mea
It's not in my power to stop them
...As vrea
... I would like to
As vrea sa ma intrebi in soapta
I want you to ask me in a whisper
Langa nucul de la poarta
Near the walnut tree by the gate
Cand sa ma astepti cu paine calda din cuptor
When to expect me with warm bread from the oven
Vreau sa-ti povestesc in soapta
I want to tell you in a whisper
Langa nucul de la poarta
Near the walnut tree by the gate
Cum se zbate inima de dor
How my heart beats with longing
Vreau sa ma intrebi in soapta
I want you to ask me in a whisper
Langa nucul de la poarta
Near the walnut tree by the gate
Cand sa ma astepti cu paine calda din cuptor
When to expect me with warm bread from the oven
Vreau sa-ti povestesc in soapta
I want to tell you in a whisper
Langa nucul de la poarta
Near the walnut tree by the gate
Cum se zbate inima de dor
How my heart beats with longing

Авторы: Iuliana Scutari, Pavel Parfeni

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