Pater Moeskroen - Desirée - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Pater Moeskroen - Desirée

Oh bij ons op school, moet je horen he
Oh at our school, you should hear this
Ik wil het al zo lang kwijt
I've wanted to tell you for so long
Alle jongens waren op Desiree
All the boys were crazy about Desiree
En ik ben het nog altijd
And I still am
Desiree was niet een meisje Pisang
Desiree was not a girl who just sat around
Ze dronk bier uit de fles
She drank beer from the bottle
Ze was grof in de mond en voor niemand bang
She was rough around the edges and afraid of nothing
En ze gaf ons liefdesles
And she taught us all about love
Ze was maf, ze was tof, ze was lief, ze was grof, ze was grappig en heel apart
She was crazy, she was cool, she was sweet, she was rough, she was funny and very special
Oh, die Desiree van klas 4B voor altijd in ons hart
Oh, that Desiree from class 4B will always be in our hearts
Oh, die Desiree van klas 4B voor altijd in ons hart
Oh, that Desiree from class 4B will always be in our hearts
Een braaf meisje zijn, dat vond ze maar niets
Being a good girl was not her style
Ze was "one of the guys"
She was "one of the guys"
Ooit trok ze me zomaar van m'n fiets en we vreeën in de mais
Once she pulled me off my bike and we made love in the cornfield
En dan was ze opeens weer teder en klein
And then she was suddenly tender and small again
Ze zei: "'t leven is fijn"
She said: "'Life is good"
Ik verslind het van het begin tot t eind, want t kan zo over zijn
I devour it from beginning to end, because it can be over so quickly
Ze was maf, ze was tof, ze was lief, ze was grof, ze was grappig en heel apart
She was crazy, she was cool, she was sweet, she was rough, she was funny and very special
Oh, die Desiree van Klas 4B voor altijd in ons hart
Oh, that Desiree from class 4B will always be in our hearts
Oh, die Desiree van Klas 4B voor altijd in ons hart
Oh, that Desiree from class 4B will always be in our hearts
Ik heb nooit meer iets vernomen van haar
I never heard from her again
Tot iemand het mij zei
Until someone told me
Desiree liet zeven kinderen na en de oudste leek sprekend op mij
Desiree left behind seven children, and the oldest looked just like me
Ze was maf, ze was tof, ze was lief, ze was grof, ze was grappig en heel apart
She was crazy, she was cool, she was sweet, she was rough, she was funny and very special
Oh, die Desiree van Klas 4B voor altijd in ons hart
Oh, that Desiree from class 4B will always be in our hearts
Oh, die Desiree van Klas 4B voor altijd in ons hart
Oh, that Desiree from class 4B will always be in our hearts
Ze was maf, ze was tof, ze was lief, ze was grof, ze was grappig en heel apart
She was crazy, she was cool, she was sweet, she was rough, she was funny and very special
Oh, die Desiree van Klas 4B voor altijd in m'n hart
Oh, that Desiree from class 4B will always be in my heart

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