Pato - Gedanke - перевод текста песни на английский

Gedanke - Patoперевод на английский

I heisse di
My name is di
Herzlich willkomme im 21. johrhundert
Welcome to the 21st century
Jo me gseht die schwiz isch ziemli bunter
You see, Switzerland is quite colorful
Vüu meh aus no vor 80 johr
Much more than 80 years ago
Nur chöi so vüu lüt drmit nid klar cho
But not so many people can handle it
Es het platz fr aui
There's room for everyone
Au für flüchtendi mönsche
Even for refugees
Vüu besser chas eigentlech würklech nümm wärde
It actually can't really get much better
Doch i ghöre vüu faschiste sache
But I hear a lot of fascist stuff
Vo wuetbürger sie si ke rastiste aber
From Wutbürger, they're not racists but
Hinger dr fassade isch angst versteckt
Fear is hidden behind the facade
Und di ganzi angst wird mit vüu hass überdeckt
And all that fear is covered up with a lot of hatred
Lüt wo anderne dr atem nid düe gönne
People who don't let others breathe
Si dr grund werum sech anderi nümm patriote nenne
They're the reason others no longer call themselves patriots
I cha nid verstoh wieme sech vor so chance cha vrschränke
I can't understand how you can shrink from such opportunities
Gmeinsam chönnt me so vüu vrändre
Together we could change so much
Du muesch mini meinig nid teile sie isch nid verankert
You don't have to share my opinion, it's not anchored
Aber mach der mindistens gedanke
But at least give it some thought
So vüu lüt empöre sech ohni öppis zmache
So many people get outraged without doing anything
Und gseh gar nid was fr chance sie verpasse
And don't even see what opportunities they're missing
Luege enander us dr ehrelogue ah
Look at each other from the ivory tower
Derbi chönnt me so vüu lehre vonenand
You could learn so much from each other
Sie meine e einheit macht es freis land us
They think unity makes a free country
Und schaffe sech derbi die eiget heimat us
And in doing so, they destroy their own homeland
Vüu lüt si uf dr suechi, wüsse nid wosi häre sette
Many people are searching, they don't know where to put themselves
Mir hei aui puzzleteili müesses se nur no zemmesetze
We all have puzzle pieces, we just have to put them together
Döu si stouz und düe d schwizerfahne hisse
They are proud and fly the Swiss flag
Ihr stöht für üses land aber nid 2017
You stand for our country but not in 2017
Fr flüchtende gits e chlini dose mitleid
There's a little box of pity for refugees
Fr was es burkaverbot wenn niemer s wohre gsicht zeigt
What's a burqa ban when no one shows their true face
Und Wenn das nid stimmt de säg mer bitte öppis anders
And if that's not true, then please tell me something different
I bi sicher as mers schaffe wenn mers mitenander mache
I'm sure we can do it if we do it together
Du muesch mini meini nid teile sie isch nid verankert
You don't have to share my opinion, it's not anchored
Aber mach der mindistens gedanke
But at least give it some thought

Авторы: Luca Lang

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