Patrik Rivier - Anjeli - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Patrik Rivier - Anjeli

V časoch kde neni nič isté povedz mi či aspoň
In times where nothing is certain, tell me if at least
Ty budeš pri mne stáť keď pôjdu démoni proti nám
You will stand by me when the demons come against us
Kým nepojdem Six Feet Under hraj mi v srdci
Until I go Six Feet Under, play in my heart
Jak Thundercat na strunách môj brat sa
Like Thundercat on the strings, my brother
V utorok smeje s mamou o dva dni na to lepí parte na stenách
On Tuesday, laughing with mom, two days later, pasting obituaries on the walls
Svet aký bol zmizol preč jak duch v nočných uliciach mám
The world as it was disappeared like a ghost in the night streets, I have
Pár ludí čo blízko stoviek ludí čo odišli
A few people who are close, hundreds of people who left
Stojím sám na streche v meste kam neletia dobré víly mám
I stand alone on the roof in the city where good fairies don't fly, I have
Big dreams (no) no žiadne z nich by neboli bez teba
Big dreams (no), none of them would be possible without you
Aj keby si na druhom konci sveta prídem o polnoci pre teba
Even if you were on the other side of the world, I'd come for you at midnight
Sme jak anjeli z ghetta
We're like angels from the ghetto
Kde život verziu beta
Where life has a beta version
No všetko je lahšie keď mám
But everything is easier when I have
Po boku teba
You by my side
Sme jak anjeli z ghetta
We're like angels from the ghetto
Kde život verziu beta
Where life has a beta version
No všetko je lahšie keď mám
But everything is easier when I have
Po boku teba
You by my side
Vintage autá jak v mafií kiežby len v hre na nich jazdili
Vintage cars like in the mafia, if only we drove them just in the game
V nájme plač slobodnej mamy jej baby vyrastá s grázlami
In the rent, the cry of a single mother, her baby grows up with thugs
V školách spoja sa príbehy rôzne šikana ostrá jak fentanyl
In schools, different stories come together, bullying sharp as fentanyl
Smog nad mestom zakrýva osudy ktoré kruté jak Báthory
Smog over the city covers fates that are cruel like Báthory
jedného dňa sa spoja naše cesty
Until one day our paths cross
A hladáme únik z betónovej klietky
And we're looking for an escape from the concrete cage
Potom prídu pády láska občas páli pre
Then come the falls, love sometimes burns for
Babe pre bratov nejste v tom nikdy sami (yeye)
Babe, for brothers, you're never alone in this (yeye)
Sme jak anjeli z ghetta
We're like angels from the ghetto
Kde život verziu beta
Where life has a beta version
No všetko je lahšie keď mám
But everything is easier when I have
Po boku teba
You by my side
Sme jak anjeli z ghetta
We're like angels from the ghetto
Kde život verziu beta
Where life has a beta version
No všetko je lahšie keď mám
But everything is easier when I have
Po boku teba
You by my side

Авторы: Patrik Rivier

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