Mostremos poco a poco quel mundo va mejor sin humor
Let's show little by little that the world is better without humor
Pido perdon, pido perdon, he cometido una equivocación
I ask for forgiveness, I ask for forgiveness, I have made a mistake
Pido perdon, tenéis razón, espero que ésto remiende mi error
I ask for forgiveness, you are right, I hope this amends my error
Muchos raperos se han ofendido, creo que por fin ya lo he entendido
Many rappers have been offended, I think I finally understand
No hay que reir no hay que disfrutar para ser un buen rapero solo hay que odiar
You don't have to laugh, you don't have to enjoy, to be a good rapper you just have to hate
You said sorry, the clouds are floating and my heart is nakeeed
You said sorry, the clouds are floating and my heart is naked
When i looking into your eyes I watch the angels cry everybody keep the brave in their souls
When I look into your eyes, I watch the angels cry, everyone keeps the brave in their souls
I really fight for our own style the boys are diyng and my heart is crying
I really fight for our own style, the boys are dying and my heart is crying
People hate and i feel so great yeah mother fuckers sucks my cock
People hate and I feel so great, yeah motherfuckers suck my cock
La gente no olvida, tu novia es tu vida, pero cuando estés estudiando con ella francés
People don't forget, your girlfriend is your life, but when you're studying French with her
Notarás mi saliba
You'll notice my saliva
Los gansters que son peligrosos se ponen nerviosos porque saben que soy un oso que es peligroso y se pone nervioso
The gangsters who are dangerous get nervous because they know I'm a bear that's dangerous and gets nervous
Las putas me quieren follar y yo las hago esperar porque soy genial
The whores want to fuck me and I make them wait because I'm great
Para ser verdadero hay que ser sincero, tu hermana lesbiana se ha hecho hetero
To be true you have to be sincere, your lesbian sister has become straight
Al ver la quiero reventar a todas las cosas las quiero matar soy MC revolver leyenda en la tierra y el mar no le tengo miedo ni a un calamar... gigante del tamaño de un elefante
When she sees me, I want to blow everything up, I want to kill everything, I'm MC revolver, legend on land and sea, I'm not even afraid of a squid... a giant the size of an elephant
El otro día quemé un orfanato, y hoy voy a matar otro pato con un explosivo que no sea barato
The other day I burned down an orphanage, and today I'm going to kill another duck with an explosive that's not cheap
Y voy a mearte tu casa y voy a violar a un mendigo
And I'm going to piss on your house and I'm going to rape a beggar
Y voy a... matar a todos los que no respeten que sea rapero hijo de puta porque el humor sólo es justificable cuando no me afecta a mí
And I'm going to... kill everyone who doesn't respect me being a son of a bitch rapper because humor is only justifiable when it doesn't affect me
No me di cuenta que estuve dando una mala imagen
I didn't realize I was giving a bad image
No me di cuenta de que lo que los demás piensen de mí... es muy importante
I didn't realize that what others think of me... is very important
Y si no... te meto un tiro
And if not... I'll shoot you
Yeeeh yeeh
Yeeeh yeeh
Blood in the sky
Blood in the sky
I am a mother fucking raper
I am a motherfucking rapper
I am a mother fucking, a true mother fucking raper
I am a motherfucking, a true motherfucking rapper
Come on
Come on
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