Y dijiste. y saberlo. que no hay marcha atras.que no hay. una estrella fugaz para pedir como deseo. que regreses a buscar lo que dejaste atras. en el lado oscuro izquierdo de mi pecho.
And you said, and to know, that there is no turning back, that there is no. a shooting star to wish upon. that you'll come back to look for what you left behind. On the dark left side of my chest.
Sigo haciendome la idea. de que no me has olvidalo. sigo con mi guerra interna con la fuerza que me queda
. con la paz de un buen soldado.
I keep pretending. that you haven't forgotten me. I keep fighting my internal war with the strength I have left. with the peace of a good soldier.
Y dijiste. es dicirlo. que dejaste atras tu mitad. la que poquito a poco se sumaba y completaba. tu deseo, tu libertad. tu gran forma de amar. el que sin duda alguna todavia te ama.
And you said, it's to say, that you left behind your half. the one that little by little added up and completed. your desire, your freedom. your great way of loving. the one that without a doubt still loves you.
Y dijiste es decirlo que no hay marcha atras. que no hay.
And you said it is to say that there is no turning back, that there is no.
Una estrella fugaz para pedir como deseo
A shooting star to wish upon.
Que regreses a buscar lo que dejaste atras.
That you'll come back to look for what you left behind.
En el lado oscuro izquierdo de mi pecho. (3).
On the dark left side of my chest. (3).
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