Pavel Stratan - Banii / Money - original - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pavel Stratan - Banii / Money - original

Banii / Money - original
Banii / Money - original
Eu cu fratele si sora din sertar de la masa,
My brother, my sister, and I stole money from our father's desk drawer,
I-am furat lu' tata banii, si-am fugit de-acasa.
And ran away from home.
N-o trecut nici doua zile, tata cand ii cauta
Two days had not passed, when our father looked for his money,
Banii nu mai sunt acolo unde-au fost odata.
But it was no longer there.
"Unde-s banii?" - ma intreaba tata cu rabdare,
"Where is the money?" he asked me patiently,
"Nu stiu tata, poate stie fratele mai mare,
"I don't know, father, perhaps my older brother knows,
Poate banii din sertar i-a mancat vreo mata,
Perhaps a cat ate the money in the drawer,
Poate Ghita stie unde-s... Haidem la Ghita!"
Perhaps Ghita knows where it is... Let's go to Ghita!"
Da' in timpul asta Ghita curata o nuca.
But at that moment, Ghita was cracking a walnut.
Cand a vaz't ca tata vine, a incercat sa fuga.
When he saw my father coming, he tried to run away.
Tata cand a vaz't ca fuge l-a palit cu palma,
But my father caught him and slapped him,
Ghita n-a dovedit macar sa strige "Mama!..."
Ghita didn't even have time to cry "Mother!..."
Tata mult nu rabda, si-ncepe sa se 'nerveze
My father became impatient and angry,
Dupa ce degeaba Ghita a luat-o-n freza
Because Ghita wouldn't admit to anything.
Vrei sa numeri bani, da' daca nu-s nu poti sa numeri,
He wanted to count the money, but if it was not there, he couldn't,
Tata se uita la noi, noi strangeam din umeri.
My father looked at us, and we shrugged our shoulders.
"Gata, tata, stiu! In urma cu vreo doua zile,
"Okay, father, I know! A few days ago,
Pe la noi pe-acasa, ziua, a trecut Vasile.
Vasile came to our house in the afternoon.
Chiar si azi l-am vazut la apa, se ducea cu manzul,
I saw him at the water today, he was there with his horse,
Poate el de bani sa stie... Haidem la dansul!..."
Maybe he knows about the money... Let's go to him!..."
Merge tot ca pe rotile, cand speranta creste
We went there as fast as we could, our hopes growing.
Am ajuns si la Vasile, cat ai zice "peste"
We arrived at Vasile's place in no time.
Fara nici o galagie se petrece drama,
Without any fuss, the drama unfolded,
Daca si ceva se-aude, se-aude "Mama!..."
If anything could be heard, it was just "Mother!..."
Banul, nu usor se face, da' usor se pierde,
Money is not easily earned, but easily lost,
Mai ales in casa daca ai in cine crede.
Especially in a house where there are others to blame.
Nu zic! Poate pe la altii altfel merge roata.
I'm not saying! Maybe things are different in other people's houses.
Cel putin asa se-ntampla intre noi si tata.
At least that's how it happens between us and our father.
Unde nu ne-om duce, parca invers bate vantul
Wherever we go, the wind seems to blow the wrong way.
Gandul nostru, cu al tatii-i cerul si pamantul.
Our thoughts and our father's thoughts are like heaven and earth.
Ne-ntorceam incet spre casa, tata-n partea stanga,
We walked slowly back home, my father on the left,
Fratele mai mare dupa, eu cu sora langa...
My older brother behind him, my sister and I beside him...
Da' in timpul asta, timpul parc-a vrut sa "steie"
But all this time, time seemed to "stand still"
Multe usi au fost deschise, asta n-are cheie.
Many doors were opened, but this one had no key.
De-as putea vreodata-n viata, as intoarce anii,
If I could ever go back in time, I would,
Macar ca sa-i spun lui tata, unde-s banii...
Just to tell my father where the money is...
Banii... unde-s banii?...
The money... where is the money?...

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