Pavel Stratan - Copilăria - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pavel Stratan - Copilăria

Imi aduc aminte cand
I remember when
Ii faceam la matza vant
I used to fan the cat
Si zbura ca pasarea
And it would fly like a bird
Dar pica ca mazarea de picase jos
But it would fall like a pea and crash to the ground
Si daca matza mai traia
And if the cat was still alive
Si daca mai putea mergea
And if it could still walk
Noi de coditza moale
We would tie empty cans
Legam conserve goale
To its soft tail
Si tot era frumos, frumos...
And it was still beautiful, beautiful...
Mama mea, tatal meu
My mother, my father
Nu ma bateti nu-s de vina eu
Don't beat me, it's not my fault
Matza cred ca singura vrea
I think the cat just wants
Sa se-nvete a zbura
To learn how to fly
Drept ca fratele jos
Just like my brother below
Trebuia s-o prinda dar n-o fost
He had to catch it but he didn't
Si matza cand ne vede
And the cat when it sees us
Nici amu′ nu-i vine-a crede
Still doesn't believe it
Ca ase ceva o fost.
That such a thing happened.
Si matza cand ne vede
And the cat when it sees us
Nici amu' nu-i vine-a crede
Still doesn't believe it
Ca ase ceva o fost.
That such a thing happened.
Unde-s doamne zilele
Where are the days
Cand ne scaldam cu canele
When we bathed with the dogs
Cand el la suprafata vrea
When he wanted to be on the surface
Dat noi cu-o atza il mai tineam sub val
But we would hold him under the water with a string
Si canele facea ′bul-bul'
And the dog would make 'bubbles'
Dar noi radeam ca cei nebuni
But we laughed like crazy
Si printre apa verde vedeam ca nu se vede
And through the green water we saw that he couldn't see
Noi scoteam la mal la mal.
We brought him to the shore, to the shore.
Mama mea, tatal meu
My mother, my father
Nu ma bateti, nu-s de vina eu
Don't beat me, it's not my fault
Canele cred ca singur vrea
I think the dog just wants
Sa invete a-nota
To learn how to swim
Drept ca fratele o vrut ca sa-l scoata
Just like my brother wanted to get him out
Cred ca n-o putut
I guess he couldn't
Si canele cand ne vede
And the dog when it sees us
Nici amu' nu-i vine-a crede
Still doesn't believe it
Cata apa o baut.
How much water it drank.
Si canele cand ne vede
And the dog when it sees us
Nici amu′ nu-i vine-a crede
Still doesn't believe it
Cata apa o baut.
How much water it drank.

Авторы: pavel stratan

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