Pavel Stratan - Eu Beu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pavel Stratan - Eu Beu

Eu Beu
I Drink
Eu beu putin, putin cate putin
I drink a little, a little at a time
Pan′ capul meu pe umeri nu mai pot sa-l tin
Until my head can no longer stay on my shoulders
Si am sa beu atata pana cand am sa aflu cine poate sa-mi spuie
And I will drink until I find out who can tell me
Cat sa beu sa fie numai bine.
How much to drink so that it feels just right.
Cand dau incet sa ma indrept
When I try to stand up slowly
Genunchii-mi cad pe langa piept
My knees fall down by my chest
Eu n-am stiut ca daca esti beat
I didn't know that if you're drunk
Te faci deodata acrobat
You suddenly become an acrobat
Sa sada toti cum eu sa sez'
Let everyone sit as I sit
Sa vaza toti ce eu am vaz′
Let everyone see what I see
Sa-si unga toti cum eu mi-am uns cu grija gatul indeajuns
Let everyone anoint their throats carefully as I have anointed mine
Ma tin de toti si stau in bar, be cel mai tare de pahar
I hold onto everyone and stand at the bar, drinking the strongest of drinks
Eu inca nimeresc sa torn cu toate ca aproape dorm
I still manage to pour, even though I'm almost asleep
Dar daca nu dorm inseamna ca-s treaz si-afara inca-i az'
But if I'm not asleep, that means I'm awake and it's still daytime
Eu pot sa ma tin si-ntr-un picior c-o mana daca-s pe ulcior
I can stand on one leg with one hand if I'm on a jug
Dar eu mai beu.
But I drink more.
Ce interesant se uita toti la mine cum eu ma-nvat
How interesting everyone looks at me as I teach myself
Cu mana dreapta sa ma indrept spre buzunarul de la piept
With my right hand to reach for the pocket on my chest
E drept ca daca beau mai des, mai des ma trage sa fumez
It's true that if I drink more often, I'm more often tempted to smoke
Fumez si iara dupa ce fumez, incep sa beau mai des
I smoke and then after I smoke, I start drinking more often
Eu nu stiu unde mai incape atata vodca si lichior
I don't know where all this vodka and liquor can fit
Si nu stiu toti de ce se uita de parca as bea de banii lor
And I don't know why everyone stares at me as if I'm drinking their money
Da' eu ma fac ca nu fac nimica si nici nu stiu ca ei ma stiu
But I pretend not to notice anything and I don't know that they know me
Si eu cand am sa fiu ca dansii, eu tot ca dansii am sa fiu
And when I will be like them, I will be like them all the same
Dar eu mai beu.
But I drink more.
Eu nu stiu bine pentru altii ce inseamna da′ eu stiu
I don't know exactly what it means to others, but I know
Ca beau ce vreau, mananc ce vreau, ma culc cu cine vreau si-s viu
That I drink what I want, eat what I want, sleep with who I want and I'm alive
Si daca imi spune cineva cum ar pute′ sa-mi fie mai bine
And if someone tells me how I could be better
Ma las de toate, ma duc acolo, ma intorc inapoi, ma iau si pe mine
I'll give up everything, I'll go there, I'll come back, I'll take myself with me
Dar eu mai stau acolo unde inchide ca sa sed
But I'll still stay where it closes so I can sit
Unde ma uit si nu vad nimica da' pe mine toti ma vad
Where I look and don't see anything but everyone sees me
Cum beau putin da des si mai ales de ′cela care-am vrut
How I drink a little too often, and especially the one I wanted
Si daca am uitat sa ma uit ce beau ma uit si-o iau de la inceput
And if I forget to look at what I'm drinking, I look and start over
Dar eu mai beau...
But I drink more...

Авторы: Pavel Stratan

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