Pavel Stratan - Fericirea - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pavel Stratan - Fericirea

Aseara pentru prima oara te-am asteptat la oprire
Last night for the first time I waited for you at the bus stop
Si tot aseara cred c-a fost si ultima data, ′ti promit!
And last night I think it was also the last time, I promise!
De azi incolo, mie nu-mi mai trebu' asa-ntalnire
From now on, I don't need such a meeting
Tu ai trecut pe langa oprire, da′ nu te-ai oprit...
You passed by the stop, but you didn't stop...
Nu, nu te-ai oprit...
No, you didn't stop...
Nu te-ai oprit.
You didn't stop.
S-ajung la tine-mi trebui-o pricina, si se rezolva tati
To get to you I need a reason, and daddy will solve it
Da' tu s-ajungi la mine-ti trebu' cred ca o mie de pricini
But to get to me, you need a thousand reasons, I think
Cu toate ca aproape stam alaturi, da′ nu suntem prieteni
Even though we live almost side by side, we are not friends
Si chiar de locuim pe-aceiasi scara, noi nu suntem vecini...
And even though we live in the same building, we are not neighbors...
Nu, nu suntem...
No, we're not...
Nu suntem vecini.
We are not neighbors.
Eu stiu la ce tu te gandesti cand ploua-afara si ma uda
I know what you're thinking when it rains outside and gets me wet
Iti pare bine. Bine ca iti pare! Eu, de demult stiam.
You are happy. I'm glad you are! I knew it for a long time ago.
Pe tine cand te ploua, mie mi-e jale. Tu vezi? Eu nu-s ca tine.
When it rains on you, I feel sorry. You see? I'm not like you.
Noi vrem sa stea ploaia, totodata si sa se duca vrem...
We want the rain to stay, but at the same time we want it to go away...
Vrem sa se duca...
We want it to go away...
Sa se duca vrem.
We want it to go away.
Eu stiu ca daca nu-i asa cum trebu′, e bun asa cum este
I know that if it's not the way it should be, it's okay the way it is
Si-ntotdeauna una dintre doua o tin la mine-n gand.
And I always keep one of two things in mind.
Atat de putin ne trebu' pentru o fericire noua,
We need so little for a new happiness,
Da′ cat de mult ne trebu' sa-ntelegem asa lucru sfant!
But how much we need to understand such a sacred thing!
Sfant, lucru sfant...
Sacred, sacred thing...
Un lucru sfant.
A sacred thing.

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