Pavel Stratan - Liza - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pavel Stratan - Liza

Odata i-a placut lu′ Liza de-un barbat,
Once Liza liked a man,
Barbatu-i Ghita. Da. Da' Ghita-i insurat.
That man is Ghita. Yeah. But Ghita is married.
De ciuda Liza bea pahar dupa pahar,
Out of spite, Liza drank glass after glass,
Ulcioru-i gol da′ ea cu vin il umple iar.
The pitcher is empty, but she refills it with wine.
Si Ghita-al iei macar sa nu fi fost magar,
And Ghita would take her, if he hadn't been a fool,
Sa (fi) zis de-odata Nu!, era sa fie clar.
To have said No at once, would have made things clear.
Dar din pricina lui, ca fata l-a iubit,
But because of him, because the girl loved him,
Ea fericita nu-i, da' Ghita-i fericit.
She is not happy, but Ghita is happy.
Mama, ce-am patit cu Ghita-aseara,
Mother, what happened to me with Ghita last night,
Iti spun, da' numai tie:
I'll tell you, but only you:
Eu credeam ca Ghita cum e treaz,
I thought that Ghita is sober,
Asa-i si la betie.
The same as he is drunk.
Da′ cand i-am vaz′t mainile cum se lasa
But when I saw his hands fall
La mine pe rochita,
On my dress,
Am inteles ca n-ar sa fie bine
I understood that it would not be good,
Ce vrea sa faca Ghita.
What Ghita wants to do.
Da' cand l-am intrebat Tu ma iubesti?
But when I asked him: Do you love me?
El a zis ca ma iubeste...
He said that he loves me...
Zic: Ghita, spune drept. Tu nu glumesti?
I said: Ghita, tell me the truth. Are you not joking?
El a zis ca nu glumeste...
He said that he is not joking...
Si eu de fericire ca ii place,
And I, from happiness, that he likes me,
Am uitat ca eu sunt Liza,
Forgot that I am Liza,
Da′ de ma afla tata, stiu ce-mi face:
But if my father finds out, I know what he will do to me:
In primul rand valiza!
First of all the suitcase!
Povestea inca nu de tot s-a terminat,
The story is not quite over yet,
Abia amu-i amu va spun din tot ce s-a-ntamplat:
I'll tell you now, from all that happened:
A doua seara-n bar, da' inca de cu zi,
The next evening in the bar, but from early on,
Acelasi Ghita sta cu alta pupaza...
The same Ghita was with another chick...
Si-i spune nu stiu ce, da′ cand sa-i dea flori,
And he tells her I don't know what, but when he is about to give her flowers,
Pe usa intra Liza-n mana cu'n citori
Liza enters through the door with a pitcher in her hand,
Da′ mai departe ce-a fost, e de necrezut,
But what happened next is unbelievable,
Asa ceva trebu' numai de vazut... de vazut...
Such a thing must only be seen... seen...
Mama, ce-am patit cu Ghita-aseara,
Mother, what happened to me with Ghita last night,
Iti spun, da' numai tie:
I'll tell you, but only you:
Eu credeam ca Ghita cum e treaz,
I thought that Ghita is sober,
Asa-i si la betie.
The same as he is drunk.
Da′ cand i-am vaz′t mainile cum se lasa
But when I saw his hands fall
La mine pe rochita,
On my dress,
Am inteles ca n-ar sa fie bine
I understood that it would not be good,
Ce vrea sa faca Ghita.
What Ghita wants to do.
Da' cand l-am intrebat Tu ma iubesti?
But when I asked him: Do you love me?
El a zis ca ma iubeste...
He said that he loves me...
Zic: Ghita, spune drept. Tu nu glumesti?
I said: Ghita, tell me the truth. Are you not joking?
El a zis ca nu glumeste...
He said that he is not joking...
Si eu de fericire ca ii place,
And I, from happiness, that he likes me,
Am uitat ca eu sunt Liza,
Forgot that I am Liza,
Da′ de ma afla tata, stiu ce-mi face:
But if my father finds out, I know what he will do to me:
In primul rand valiza!
First of all the suitcase!

Авторы: pavel stratan

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