Pavel Stratan - M-Am Născut De Ziua Mea - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pavel Stratan - M-Am Născut De Ziua Mea

M-Am Născut De Ziua Mea
I Was Born On My Birthday
Eu cand ma-mbat, is bat
When I get drunk, I knock
Cand merg ma tin de gard.
When I walk I hold onto the fence.
Dar daca gardul se termina,
But if the fence ends,
Nu stiu ce-am sa fac.
I don't know what I'm gonna do.
Am sa ma iau in maini
I'll take myself in my hands
Si am sa-mi fac un vant
And I'll make a wind
Dar tot mai bine-i pe picioare
But he's getting better on his feet
Cand te sprijini de pamant.
When you lean against the ground.
Dim neata capu-i greu
Dim morning head's hard
Dar eu mai vreau sa beu.
But I still want to drink.
Dau cu mana pe sub perna
Shaking hands under the pillow
Oare unde-i capul meu?
Where's my head?
Cata bautur-ast noapte am baut
How many drinks - last night I drank
N-am baut in viata mea
I've never drunk in my life
Eu cred ca-s unicul barbat
I think I'm the only man
Care m-am nascut de ziua mea.
Who I was born on my birthday.
De fapt eu ziua mea,
Actually me my day,
Mi-o fac in fiecare zi,
I do it every day,
Daca trebuie cate odata
If you have to at once
Chiar de doua ori pe zi.
Even twice a day.
De-o vorba: ziua daca-mi cade ziua
By one word: the day if my day falls
Nu mi-o fac de tat.
I'm not fucking around.
Dar daca-mi ziua-mi cade noaptea
But if my day falls at night
Noaptea iarasi ma imbat.
At night I get drunk again.
Ce-neteresante ganduri mi intra-n cap
What uninteresting thoughts enter my head
Atunci numai cand beu
Then only when beu
Nici nu stiu cum de cap in cap
I don't even know how to head to head
Incap atatea-n capul meu.
I fit so much in my head.
Ori ca memoria ma ajuta,
Or that memory helps me,
Dar asta nu-i putin.
But that's not a little bit.
Ce-i drept, eu am memorie, numai
I have a memory, only
Nu tin minte unde-o tin.
I don't remember where I keep it.
Daca doctorii m-or prinde,
If the doctors catch me,
Stiu ce mi-or propune-amu
I know what they're proposing-amu
Ori traiesc putin - dar bine,
Or live a little-but well,
Ori mai mult - dar bine nu.
Times more - but well no.
Eu, de-o vorba, pentru mine
Me, by a word, for me
De-acum mi-am ales ce-am vrut:
From now on I chose what I wanted:
Sa traiesc mai mult - dar bine
To live longer - but well
Si sa beau cum am baut.
And drink as I drank.
Beau si eu, ca moldovanul,
I drink too, like the Moldovan,
Patru ori pe an, ian zii:
Four times a year, ian zii:
La Craciun, de Hram, la Paste
At Christmas, patron saint, Easter
Si in fiecare zi.
And every day.
Eu cand beau intotdeauna,
Me when I always drink,
Niciodata nu ma-nervez.
I never get nervous.
Ma-nervez atuncea numai
I-nervez then only
Cand nu pot sa ma-nervez.
When I can't get nervous.
Doamne, ce se-ntampla aicea
God, what's going on here
De-s asa de multe feti?
Why are there so many girls?
Oare-n seara asta
Is it tonight
Am sa dovedesc sa beau cu tati?
Am I going to prove drinking with daddy?
Cred ca da. Pentru ca eu
I think so. Because I
Intotdeauna dovedesc
Always prove
Inaintea lor de-aicea
Before them here
Dupa dansele sa ies.
After the dances to go out.
Dar pana cand mai este cand
But until there is when
Si inca nimeni n-a plecat
And nobody's gone yet
Beau, fumez, mai nu stiu ce
I drink, I smoke, I don't know what else
Cand ma trezesc d amu is beat.
When I wake up d AMU is drunk.
Si eu de asta nu-nteleg:
And that's why I don't understand:
"Mai, ce tot beau asa gustos,
"May, What do I drink so tasty,
De se duce tot in cap,
If it goes all in the head,
De parca-s bea cu capu-n jos?"
Like I'm drinking with my head down?"
Cand dau din bar sa ′intru'-afara
When I go out of the bar to 'come in' -out
Si-ncep cu umbra sa ma-ntrec,
And I start with the shadow to compete,
Eu inteleg ca-ncep sa inteleg
I understand that I'm beginning to understand
Ca nica nu-nteleg.
Like nica I don't understand.
Da principalu-i important
Yes the main is important
Ca unde m-am pornit m-am dus
Like where I started I went
Si daca am ajuns acasa,
And if I got home,
Acasa-nseamna c-am ajuns.
Home means we're home.
Si chiar de-o sa ma-ntrebe tata unde-am fost
And even if my father asked me where I was
Ii spun si ce-am facut:
I tell him what I did:
′Am baut la bar cu Ghita,
'I drank at the bar with Ghita,
Ei, si ce daca-am baut?
Well, what if I drank?
Si cu fetele-am baut
And with the girls-I drank
Si unde-am fost ma duc si maine
And where I've been I'll go tomorrow
Stii ce-am mai facut cu fetele, tata?
You know what I've done with the girls, dad?
Sss rusine!'
Sss shame!'

Авторы: Pavel Stratan

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