Pavel Stratan - O Secunda - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pavel Stratan - O Secunda

O Secunda
One Second
Ii bine acasa da eu plec
I know home is best, but I'm leaving
In spate usa s-o inchis
I closed the door behind me
Nu imi pasa
I don't care
Stiu prin ce o sa trec
I know what I'll go through
Eu cred ca asa
I think this is the way it
Imi o fost prescris
Was meant to be
De ajuns cat mama m-o crescut
I've had enough of being raised by my mother
De ajuns cat altii m-o furat
I've had enough of others taking advantage of me
Eu plec sa-mi caut ce am pierdut
I'm leaving to find what I've lost
De fapt ce n-am si am meritat
Actually, what I've never had but deserved
O secunda
One second
Sa-o vad pe mama mea zambind
To see my mother smile
Cum face si in alte dati
Like she does so often
O secunda
One second
Sa-l vad pe tata linestit
To see my father at peace
Macar amu la batrineti
At least now in his old age
O secunda
One second
Sa aud ca sora ca o ajuns
To hear that my sister has achieved her dreams
Acolo unde s-o pornit
Where she set out to
O secunda
One second
Sa-mi spuna fratele intr-o zi
To hear my brother tell me one day
Ca el e cel mai fericit
That he's the happiest man alive
M-a intrebi la vama ce am ascuns
At customs, they'll ask me what I'm hiding
"Ascuns am limba dupa dinti"
"I'm hiding my tongue behind my teeth"
Un nod in gat imi pui strans
A lump in my throat tightens its grip
Si imi sufli dorul de parinti
And I'm overwhelmed by longing for my parents
Ma trec fiori peste Prut
Crossing the Prut River gives me goosebumps
Speranta imi spune "Fii barbat"
Hope whispers to me, "Be a man"
Eu plec sa-mi caut ce am pierdut
I'm leaving to find what I've lost
De fapt ce n-am si am meritat
Actually, what I've never had but deserved

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