Pavel Stratan - Primul sărut - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pavel Stratan - Primul sărut

Primul sărut
First Kiss
Ascultam cum frunza pica din copac,
Listen as leaves from trees trickle down,
Tu taci langa mine, eu langa tine tac
You are quiet next to me, as I am to you.
Noaptea-ncet se lasa, ce-i drept e drept.
The night slowly descends, quite frankly.
Spate stam la spate unul altuia,
We sit back to back, each of us facing the other,
Inima se zbate cat a ta si-a mea.
Our hearts racing as fast as both of ours
Eu vreau tu, dar tu vrei eu sa-ncep.
I want you, but you want me to begin,
Stiu ca cel mai bine ii atuncea cand
I know it's best when
Gandul tau cu gandul meu e-acelasi gand
Your thoughts and mine coincide
Dar dorinta curge rau.
But the desire flows easily.
Mama ta te-asteapta cum si mama mea
Your mother will be waiting for you as my mother will be for me.
Cine-ar fi de vina? Cred ca dragostea.
Who would be at fault? I believe love.
Numai ea ne tine pana tarziu.
Only she keeps us here so late.
Tu te uiti la stele, nu ma-intrebi ce vreau
You look at the stars and do not ask me what I want for you.
Te gandesti la ele. Ia-le, ti le dau!
You think of them, I offer them to you.
Numai, spune daca, daca iti plac.
Just say if you love them.
Pe obraz la tine lacrimile curg
Tears well up on your cheeks.
Tu le tii dar ele nu se tin, se duc.
You hold them in but they escape, falling.
Tu le simti cum pica, eu le aud.
You feel them fall as I hear them.
Poate nu se poate ceea ce eu vreau.
Perhaps what I want is not possible.
Cand tu stai deoparte, eu deoparte stau,
When you remain distant, so too do I.
Hai sa stam aproape, stiu ca tu ai vrut.
Come closer, I know you wanted to as well.
Tu esti langa mine, eu langa tine is
You are beside me, I am beside you
Mana ta de mana mea se tine strans
And your hand holds mine tightly.
Iar pe buze tremura primul sarut...
Our lips tremble with the first kiss.

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