Pavel Stratan - Seca - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pavel Stratan - Seca

Seca (Dry)
La club deseara, cum se termina discoteca,
At the club, I wish, as the disco ends,
Fetele pleaca, raman baietii, sa joace seca.
The girls leave, the guys stay, to play seca.
Sub scari la club incepe jocul,
Under the club stairs, the game begins,
Iar sponsorul general in seara asta-i polobocul.
And the general sponsor tonight is the bottle.
Fiecare care are bani si nu vrea sa se culce
Anyone who has money and doesn't want to sleep
Are voie sa ramana, cine n-are bani se duce.
Is allowed to stay, whoever has no money leaves.
Toate usile se-nchid din toate partile
All the doors close from all sides,
Banii se aud fosnind, se taie cartile.
The money rustles, the cards are cut.
Dar eu ma uit la bani si tac,
But I look at the money and keep quiet,
Mitel, dar banii de-amu-mi plac.
Damn, I like the money now.
Si chiar de n-am atatia ani
And even if I'm not that old,
Aici ii chestia numa-n bani.
Here the whole thing is about money.
Ai bani - e bine, joci cat vrei.
You have money - it's good, you play as much as you want.
Pui bani, cu gandul bani sa iei
You put money down, hoping to take money.
Da banu-i ochiul dracului.
But money is the devil's eye.
Toti vor ca sa castige-n joc
Everyone wants to win in the game,
Vor toti dar nu au toti noroc...
Everyone wants, but not everyone is lucky...
Te doare, dar iara scoti si pui.
It hurts, but again you take out and put down.
Din mana-n mana imi plac cum banii se-nvartesc
From hand to hand, I like how the money spins,
De la Chiron se duc la Cota, de colo jos gramada cresc
From Chiron to Cota, down there the pile grows.
Vazand cu ochii gramajoara creste mare, tot mai mare.
Seeing with my eyes, the pile grows big, bigger and bigger.
Oare cine o sa puna mana pe asa onoare?
I wonder who will get their hands on such an honor?
Ma uit la Ghita, cum langa bani se da alaturi
I look at Ghita, how he's hanging around the money,
Ganduri grele ii ascut dintii, ochii-i fug in laturi
Heavy thoughts sharpen his teeth, his eyes dart around.
El presimte cum de parca banii toti la dansul d-amu′s
He feels like all the money is his now,
Cred c-asa prezicere fixa nu avea nici Nostradamus...
I think not even Nostradamus had such a fixed prediction...
Da eu ma uit la bani si tac
But I look at the money and keep quiet,
Mitel, dar banii toti imi plac
Damn, I like all the money,
Si-as vrea, pe banii de la carti
And I would like, with the money from the cards,
Sa pot sa pun mana pe tati.
To be able to get my hands on daddy.
Cati bani tu n-ai avea, mai vrai
No matter how much money you have, it's true,
Dar cand ii pierzi, ii vrei macar pe-ai tai sa-i ai.
But when you lose it, you want to have at least your own.
Degeaba la dansii tu te rogi.
It's useless to pray to them.
Dar cand in buzunar la tine iar is multi
But when you have a lot in your pocket again,
Tu iara-i vrei pe toti, dar de ai tai tu uiti.
You want them all again, but you forget about your own.
Asta-i treaba, cu banii cand te joci!
That's the thing, when you play with money!
Canistra-i goala, de-aicea nimeni nu pierde timpu
The canister is empty, nobody wastes time here,
Fiecare punem cate-o rubla si tot e simplu
We each put in a ruble and it's all simple,
Cineva se duce dupa vin, iar altu vine
Someone goes for wine, another comes,
Tot ii bun, da tot mai bine ii cand, cand ii mai bine.
It's all good, but it's even better when, when it's better.
Arata unde ai mai facut vreodata-n viata
Show me where you've ever done it in your life,
De la ora zece seara pan' la... pan′ dimineata
From ten in the evening until... until morning,
Atatia bani cat cineva ar trebui sa scoata sfecla
So much money that someone would have to pull beets
Un an de zile? Asa-i c-aici numai, numai la seca?
For a year? Isn't it only here, only at seca?
Se mai intampla si cateodata cand pierzi
It also happens sometimes when you lose,
Tu scuturi buzunarele si-ti tremura mainile cand vezi
You shake your pockets and your hands tremble when you see,
Si banii tai lucrati de-un an cum pleaca, dar tu ramai pe ace
And your money earned for a year goes away, but you stay on the aces,
Si vrei sa faci ceva, da' ce sa faci? Nu ai ce face.
And you want to do something, but what to do? You have nothing to do.
Pe unde numa' n-am jucat seca, si-n pod la baie,
Wherever I haven't played seca, and in the attic at the bathhouse,
In toaleta scolii tot, si afara-n ploaie,
In the school toilet, too, and outside in the rain,
Pe scari la primarie, in casa la Balaban si-n beci la Fon
On the stairs at the town hall, in Balaban's house and in Fon's basement,
La statia de autobuz si chiar la Farlea in sopron.
At the bus stop and even in Farlea's shed.
Imi place seca si-ntotdeauna am sa joc
I like seca and I will always play,
Si chiar de nu se-ntampla intotdeauna sa am noroc
And even if I don't always get lucky,
Imi place-azartu care-n atmosfera jocului se face
I like the excitement that happens in the atmosphere of the game,
Imi place jocul care-l joc tot cu baieti care le place.
I like the game that I play with guys who like it.
Vor trece anii cum au trecut si pan-amu
The years will pass as they have passed until now,
Da′ eu s o suta de procente ca nimeni n-ar sa zica nu
But I'm a hundred percent sure that no one would say no,
Daca diseara ne-ntalnim la club si iarasi scoatem banii
If we meet at the club tonight and take out the money again,
Taiem cartile, le dam si ne intoarcem iar in anii
Cut the cards, deal them, and go back to the years
Unde eu ma uit la bani si tac
Where I look at the money and keep quiet,
Mitel, dar planuri mari imi fac
Damn, I make big plans,
Si chiar de nu-mi ajunge-n carti
And even if I don't have enough in the cards,
Un tuz, oricum i-astept pe tati.
An ace, I'll wait for daddy anyway.
Hai toti, cu totii la Niscani,
Come on, everyone, to Niscani,
Unde seca-i fabrica de bani
Where seca is a money factory,
Dar viata si noaptea merge-n toi.
But life and night go on in full swing.
Unde toti joaca seca si cinstesc,
Where everyone plays seca and toasts,
Unde toti banii se ingramadesc,
Where all the money piles up,
Unde sfara ne da sperante noi.
Where the end gives us new hope.
Hai toti, cu totii la Niscani
Come on, everyone, to Niscani,
Unde seca-i fabrica de bani
Where seca is a money factory,
Da′ vinul se da usor pe gat
The wine goes down easy,
Unde toti joaca seca si cinstesc,
Where everyone plays seca and toasts,
Unde toti banii se ingramadesc,
Where all the money piles up,
Unde sfara ne da sperante noi
Where the end gives us new hope
Cat banii is in banca.
As long as the money is in the bank.

Авторы: pavel stratan

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