Pavel Stratan - Încă nu-nvățam - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pavel Stratan - Încă nu-nvățam

Încă nu-nvățam
I Wasn't in School Yet
Inca nu-nvatam pe-atunci la scoala,
I wasn't in school yet back then,
Inca sase anisori n-aveam
I hadn't even turned six
Cand m-a prins tata afara
When Dad caught me outside
Cum trageam dintr-o tigara
Taking drags from a cigarette
Si paharu-n mana il tineam.
With a glass in my hand, no less.
Dar cand mi-a tras vreo doua labe,
But when he gave me a couple of slaps,
Eu vorbeam, doar pe silabe.
I could only speak in syllables.
Ca nici singur nu intelegeam
I couldn't even understand myself
Ce vrea tata de la mine.
What Dad wanted from me.
Dar mai pe urma-am inteles ce vrea.
But later I understood what he meant.
Nu stiu cat era de bine
I don't know how good it was
Dar tigara ca pe paine
But the cigarette, like bread,
O mancam, iar tata se radea.
I ate it, and Dad laughed.
Stai, tata-oleaca, tata,
Wait, Dad, just a second, Dad,
Nu-i tigara ciocolata,
This cigarette isn't chocolate,
Nu se luneca pe gat, nu vrea!
It doesn't slide down my throat, it won't go!
Restul tot mergea ca ceasul
The rest went like clockwork
Pana cand odata, frumusel,
Until one day, my dear,
Eu intamplator prin casa
I was walking through the house,
M-am impiedicat de masa
Tripped over the table
Si-am cazut cu mana-n portofel.
And fell with my hand in his wallet.
Dar cand am vrut sa scot paraua,
But when I tried to pull out the cash,
Hop, si tata cu cureaua:
There was Dad with his belt:
Valeu, valeu!
Ouch, ouch!
- Stai, tata-oleaca, nu ma bate,
- Wait, Dad, don't hit me,
Dar da sa-ti spun deodata ce-am crezut:
Let me tell you what I thought:
Eu am crezut ca portofelu
I thought the wallet
Cu copeici e-a lui bunelu
With the coins belonged to Grandpa
Si chiar ma gandeam acu sa i-l duc.
And I was just thinking of taking it to him.
Dar sa (fi) stiut ca-i al tau, se vede,
But had I known it was yours, you see,
Ca poate ca nici n-aveam sa ma-mpiedic
Maybe I wouldn't have tripped
Sa (fi) stiut, tata Dar n-am stiut! .
Had I known, Dad... But I didn't know! .
Bani la toti le trebuiau atuncea
Everyone needed money back then
Cum si-amu le trebuie la tat′
Just like Dad needs it now
Dar stii cum e la noi, la tara,
But you know how it is in the village,
Banii nu prea stau pe-afara
Money doesn't grow on trees
S-am deschis portita la cotet.
So I opened the coop gate.
Intru-acolo, scot desaga:
I went in, grabbed a sack:
Ga-ga, ga-ga!
Quack, quack, quack!
Si anin de gat vreo doua rati.
And I hung a couple of ducks around my neck.
Da tata sta dupa portita
But Dad was standing by the gate
Si asteapta. Oare ce-am sa-i spun?
And waiting. What will I tell him?
Dar eu, sa nu tac, zic:
But I, not to be silent, said:
-Tata aestea doua rate
-Dad, these two ducks
Ma temeam sa nu inghete
I was afraid they would freeze
Si de asta le-am bagat in sac.
And that's why I put them in the sack.
Dar daca tu compari cu saga
But if you compare it to the sack
Ce zic eu de ga-ga, ga-ga
What I say about quack, quack, quack
Uite, chiar acum le scot din sac!
Look, I'm taking them out of the sack right now!
Da-ntr-o zi din polobocul tatei
But one day from Dad's barrel
Nu stiu cum de-o doag-a disparut
I don't know how a stave disappeared
Dar cand a dat tata sa-l dreaga,
But when Dad went to fix it,
Cand se uita nu-i o doaga.
He looked and there was no stave.
Eu am vrut sa fug dar n-am putut.
I wanted to run, but I couldn't.
Unde-i doaga?
Where's the stave?
Iaca doaga! Este, numai nu-i intreaga.
Here's the stave! It's here, just not whole.
Eu dintr-insa schiuri mi-am facut
I made skis out of it
Tata, lasa polobocul!
Dad, leave the barrel alone!
Dar uite in gradina (asa-i) ce-i frumos, ca-n Paradis!
But look in the garden (it's true) how beautiful it is, like Paradise!
Scarta noastra-o arde focul,
Our shed is on fire,
Cred c-asa i-a fost norocul.
I guess that was its fate.
Eu de dansa nici nu m-am atins.
I didn't even touch it.
Drept ca jos, intre gunoaie,
It's true that down there, among the trash,
Foc am dat la cateva paie.
I set fire to some straw.
Restul, cred ca singure s-au aprins.
The rest, I think, just caught fire on their own.
Tata, stai de ma asculta,
Dad, wait, listen to me,
Daca vrei sa-ti spun ce-am mai intors!
If you want to know what else I did!
Numai ca deodata-ncearca,
Just try it right away,
Ia putina valereanca
Take a little valerian
C-ar putea sa-ti fie de folos.
It might come in handy.
Stii cojocul cel din cui?
You know that sheepskin coat hanging on the nail?
Apoi, iata, de-acum nu-i
Well, it's gone now
L-am taiat si mi-am facut manusi .
I cut it up and made myself mittens .

Авторы: pavel stratan

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