Pax Congo - Saochi Boy - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pax Congo - Saochi Boy

Saochi Boy
Saochi Boy
想做只企鵝 也想做獨角獸 想抓住迷霧 當作靈魂甘露
I want to be a penguin, and I want to be a unicorn. I want to hold the mist, as the dew of my soul.
想閉眼糊塗 夢的絢麗如初 想打破世俗 開闢新的道路
I want to close my eyes, and not know anything. I want to break the social norms, and open a new path.
給你的蕾絲糖果 編織的漂亮花朵 同星辰一般發出的熠熠光彩 不斷有人會青睞
I give you candy, made of lace, and I embroider beautiful flowers. They have a shining brilliance, that makes many people envious.
隨意他們瞎猜 親愛的不要見怪 志向填滿不用憧憬的美好未來 本存在
No matter what they say, my darling, don't take it to heart. My future is full of beauty, that I don't have to hope for. Love exists.
I′m a Saochi boy I'm a Saochi boy
I'm a Saochi boy, I'm a Saochi boy.
沒錯誤 沒怪物 沒歧途
No mistakes, no monsters, no detours.
I′m a Saochi boy I'm a Saochi boy
I'm a Saochi boy, I'm a Saochi boy.
沒錯誤 沒怪物 沒歧途 不再無助
No mistakes, no monsters, no detours. I'm not lost.
故事在發酵 會碰撞會微笑 皮囊在燃燒 在萌芽在思考
The story is fermenting, it will collide and smile. My body is burning, sprouting and thinking.
泥濘中咆哮 謾罵也沒味道 看煙火美妙 沒什麼會擊倒
I'm roaring in the mud, and insults taste bland. I watch the beautiful fireworks, nothing can defeat me.
海馬體重播過往 你用你溫暖去對抗 偏見的牢籠把奮力的心銬上 布滿荊棘和渴望
My hippocampus is playing back the past. You use your warmth to fight, the prison of prejudice is shackling your struggling heart. It is filled with thorns and longing.
媽媽說你就這樣 是與生俱來的模樣 漫長的旅途會殘缺會瞎想 盼望曙光
My mother said you are just like this, you were born this way. The long journey will be incomplete, I will think wildly, and look forward to the dawn.
I'm a Saochi boy I′m a Saochi boy
I'm a Saochi boy, I'm a Saochi boy.
沒錯誤 沒怪物 沒歧途
No mistakes, no monsters, no detours.
I′m a Saochi boy I'm a Saochi boy
I'm a Saochi boy, I'm a Saochi boy.
沒錯誤 沒怪物 沒歧途 不再無助
No mistakes, no monsters, no detours. I'm not lost.
媽媽說你就這樣 是與生俱來的模樣 漫長的旅途會殘缺會瞎想 期盼曙光
My mother said you are just like this, you were born this way. The long journey will be incomplete, I will think wildly, and look forward to the dawn.
各種各樣的愛她都會釋放 終將釋放
Various loves, she will release them all, she will eventually release them.
獅子愛上鰐魚也請你見諒 沒得商量 靈魂碰撞
The lion falls in love with the crocodile, please forgive me, there is no room for discussion, souls collide.
I′m a Saochi boy I'm a Saochi boy
I'm a Saochi boy, I'm a Saochi boy.
沒錯誤 沒怪物 沒歧途
No mistakes, no monsters, no detours.
I′m a Saochi boy I'm a Saochi boy
I'm a Saochi boy, I'm a Saochi boy.
沒錯誤 沒怪物 沒歧途 不再無助
No mistakes, no monsters, no detours. I'm not lost.

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