Pede B - Gå - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pede B - Gå

du siger, at jeg ska′ gå? Nå,
So you're saying I should leave? Well, well
Fordi jeg ene mukked', når de andre bukked′
Because I was the only one who grumbled when the others bowed
du siger, at jeg ska' gå? Nå,
So you're saying I should leave? Well, well
Fordi jeg ene mukked', når de andre bukked′
Because I was the only one who grumbled when the others bowed
"Rapper du stadig?", spørg′ de med hævet bryn
"You still rap?", they ask with raised eyebrows
For det' et sjældent syn, når de′ til fest i byen
Because it's a rare sight when they're partying in town
Den slags tekster er ikk' rette frekvenser
These kinds of lyrics aren't on the right frequencies
nær når Pelle vil ha′ mig til at rappe om et par SMS'er
Except when Pelle wants me to rap about some text messages
Det′ så'n, at næsten alle dem jeg started' med
It's like almost everyone I started with
Efterhånden er faldet fra eller har lagt sig ned
Has gradually fallen away or laid down
Når gonggongen ringed′ ud og ga′ dem klar besked
When the gong rang out and gave them a clear message
Men vil jeg hellere brække armen den lange led
But I'd rather break my arm at the elbow
De fleste der mærker sandet i deres timeglas
Most who feel the sand in their hourglass
Jagter enten trends eller sidder helt fast
Either chase trends or are completely stuck
Fylder du salen i 30'erne, er du i en lille klas′
If you fill the room in your 30s, you're in a small class
Med mig L.O.C., Suspekt, Benal og Sivas
With me L.O.C., Suspekt, Benal and Sivas
Ham jeg har lavet flest tracks med sidder inde nu
The one I've made the most tracks with is inside now
jeg straffer sandsække nede i Zento
So I punish punching bags down in Zento
I en køb-og-smid-væk verden du ikk' i tro
In a throwaway world, you can't believe
At det′ let at lære folk at ind for genbrug
That it's easy to teach people to recycle
Jeg gik fra up-and-coming til retro
I went from up-and-coming to retro
Onde tunger si'r Peter har passeret holdbarhedsdato
Evil tongues say Peter has passed his sell-by date
Lyden har ændret sig, du burde holde dig tilbage nu
The sound has changed, you should hold back now
Ikk′ mer' fucking dacapo, når du' stuck som en statue
No more fucking dacapo when you're stuck like a statue
Smiler falsk, mens du rynker din pand′
Smiling falsely, while you wrinkle your forehead
Folk rykker fra dig, da du troede I støtted′ hinanden
People move away from you because you thought you supported each other
tøm din øl som en mand og brug spytspanden
So empty your beer like a man and use the spittoon
De ringer til sidste omgang - løb mens du kan
They're calling for last call - run while you can
du siger, at jeg ska' gå? Nå,
So you're saying I should leave? Well, well
Fordi jeg ikk′ forduftede, når de andre bukkede
Because I didn't disappear when the others bowed
du siger, at jeg ska' gå? Nå,
So you're saying I should leave? Well, well
Fordi jeg ikk′ forduftede, når de andre bukkede
Because I didn't disappear when the others bowed
De ville ønske, at jeg stoppede i år
They wish I'd stop this year
Men deres holdninger får mig til at være dobbelt hård
But their attitudes make me twice as hard
Der skiftes ud hurtigt, hvis I tosser forstår
There are quick changes if you fools understand
Sku' tro de var hos elskerinder, som de kommer og går
I'd think they were with mistresses, the way they come and go
Som om at Pede la′ sig presse
As if Pede is letting himself be pressured
Hvis de virkelig har problemer,
If they really have problems,
De vil starte, ta' det pis til min adresse
They'd start, take it to my address
I ser mig ikke vakle, knokler mer' end de ka′ magte
You don't see me falter, knock more than they can handle
Skriver vers nummer tusind, mens jeg sipper en kop kaffe
Writing verse number thousand while I sip a cup of coffee
Hvis pik er længst, hvis muskler er størst?
Whose dick is longest, whose muscles are biggest?
De′ gade, jeg tror, de lever permanent udendørs
It's so street, I think they live permanently outdoors
Og de ka' bitch′ og snak' om sult og tørst
And they can bitch and talk about hunger and thirst
Vil de vær′ den bedst' i livet, ska′ de ha' skudt mig først
If they want to be the best in life, they have to shoot me first
Ingen har haft sit holds ryg, som jeg har
No one has had their team's back like I have
Om det' musik eller tingene, der′ strafbar
Whether it's music or things that are criminal
De snakker stort, men deres handlinger forklarer bar′
They talk big, but their actions only explain
Hvorfor mangel samme gi'r en milliard svar
Why the lack of the same gives a billion answers
Og jeg tramper ikk′ nogen
And I'm not stepping on anyone
Ved at sige, ingen har gjort, hva' vi gjorde uden radiorotation
By saying no one has done what we did without radio rotation
Vi bevarede roen i farezonen
We kept our cool in the danger zone
grund af ambition og supporternes brændende passion
Because of ambition and the supporters' burning passion
hvis der′ nogen, der vil smide mig offerbænken
So if anyone wants to throw me on the sacrificial bench
Og se min vejrtrækning stoppe foran folkemængden
And watch my breathing stop in front of the crowd
Kommer jeg ud svingende, du kender godt processen
I'll come out swinging, you know the process
lover jeg at acceptere konsekvensen
So I promise to accept the consequence
du siger, at jeg ska' gå? Nå,
So you're saying I should leave? Well, well
Fordi jeg ikk′ forduftede, når de andre bukkede
Because I didn't disappear when the others bowed
du siger, at jeg ska' gå? Nå,
So you're saying I should leave? Well, well
Fordi jeg ikk' forduftede, når de andre bukkede
Because I didn't disappear when the others bowed
Har ondt af de gutter, der håber, jeg slutter
I feel sorry for the guys who hope I'll quit
Om otte minutter med slukket computer
In eight minutes with the computer turned off
Dum af de sjusser de bunder klubber
Stupid from the drinks they down in clubs
Og tror, de ka′ match′ vægten mine skuldre
And think they can match the weight on my shoulders
Laver ikk' dansk rap længere, vi tilbyder noget andet til dig
I'm not doing Danish rap anymore, we're offering something else to you
Frisk pust uden halspastiller eller Dansk Folkepartis valgplakater
Fresh air without throat lozenges or Danish People's Party election posters
Halvdelen af de crews der rapper
Half of the crews rapping
Snakker om revolutionen haster
Talking about the revolution hastening
Den anden snakker om skuldtertasker
The other is talking about shoulder bags
Sprutflasker og muddermasker
Water bottles and mud masks
Vil helst ha′, hva' de ka′ put' i kasser
Preferably have what they can put in boxes
Det′ ironisk, ingen af de gutter fatter
It's ironic, none of those guys get it
De vil ha', jeg ska' træde tilbage
They want me to step back
Uden at ku′ vade en dag i min′ sko
Without being able to walk a day in my shoes
Uden at brug for plaster
Without needing a band-aid

Авторы: Kim Sæther, Peter Bigaard

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