Pedro Fernandez - Pobre Tom - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Pedro Fernandez - Pobre Tom

Pobre Tom
Poor Tom
Por el Río del Colorado, cerca allá del Gran Cañón
By the Colorado River, near the Grand Canyon over there
Hubo una vez un vaquero chaparrito y bigotón.
Once there was a short and mustachioed cowboy.
Como el perro de tía Cleta, la primer vez que ladró
Like Aunt Cleta's dog, the first time he barked
Le dieron con la cubeta como le dieron a Tom
They hit him with the bucket like they did Tom
Pobre Tom pobre Tom
Poor Tom, poor Tom
Pobre tonto y por tan tonto pobre Tom
Poor fool, and for being such a fool, poor Tom
Pobre Tom, pobre Tom
Poor Tom, poor Tom
Por tan tonto y por tan pobre pobre Tom.
For being such a fool and so poor, poor Tom.
Una vez compró un caballo barriciego y percherón
Once he bought a piebald and draft horse
Pa' apuntarlo en las carreras lo creyó muy correlón
To enter it in the races, he thought it was very fast
Ya llevaba cuatro meses de acabada la función
It had already been four months since the show was over
Y el vaquero seguia terco y no arrancaba el percherón.
And the cowboy was still stubborn and wouldn't start the draft horse.
Pobre Tom pobre Tom
Poor Tom, poor Tom
Pobre tonto y por tan tonto pobre Tom
Poor fool, and for being such a fool, poor Tom
Pobre Tom, pobre Tom
Poor Tom, poor Tom
Por tan tonto y por tan pobre pobre Tom.
For being such a fool and so poor, poor Tom.
Asaltó una diligencia y del caballo se cayó
He robbed a stagecoach and fell off his horse
Pa' robar no trae licencia vámonos pal' botellón
He has no license to steal, let's go to the bar
Se escapo de los sherifes y en la hacienda se escondió
He escaped from the sheriffs and hid on the farm
Y al ratito lo casaron con la nieta del patrón.
And in a little while they married him to the boss's granddaughter.
Pobre Tom pobre Tom
Poor Tom, poor Tom
Pobre tonto y por tan tonto pobre Tom
Poor fool, and for being such a fool, poor Tom
Pobre Tom, pobre Tom
Poor Tom, poor Tom
Por tan tonto y por tan pobre pobre Tom.
For being such a fool and so poor, poor Tom.
Al primer pleito que tuvo su mujer lo descontó
In the first fight he had, his wife knocked him out
Al segundo le dió mate con tamaño pistolón
In the second, she killed him with a big pistol
Para siempre lo enterraron en medio del Gran Cañón
They buried him forever in the middle of the Grand Canyon
Y tan mala fue su suerte que el Cañón hizo explosión.
And his luck was so bad that the Canyon exploded.
Pobre Tom pobre Tom
Poor Tom, poor Tom
Pobre tonto y por tan tonto pobre Tom
Poor fool, and for being such a fool, poor Tom
Pobre Tom, pobre Tom
Poor Tom, poor Tom
Por tan tonto y por tan pobre pobre Tom.
For being such a fool and so poor, poor Tom.
En lo alto de una nube vive un ángel cachetón
On top of a cloud lives a chubby angel
Lo corrieron de los cielos por chaparro y bigotón
He was kicked out of heaven for being short and having a mustache
No le dan en los infiernos cama ni alimentación,
They don't give him a bed or food in hell,
Es que no encontraron cuernos de la talla de este Tom.
Because they couldn't find horns the size of this Tom's.
Pobre Tom pobre Tom
Poor Tom, poor Tom
Pobre tonto y por tan tonto pobre Tom
Poor fool, and for being such a fool, poor Tom
Pobre Tom, pobre Tom
Poor Tom, poor Tom
Por tan tonto y por tan pobre pobre Tom.
For being such a fool and so poor, poor Tom.

Авторы: Salvador Flores Rivera

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