You're pathetic if you have surgery for the Russian
Sin excusa pa usar tu cabeza
No excuse to use your head
... cuantas horas diarias es soportable
... how many hours a day is bearable
Un ser humano, esa es la pregunta
A human being, that is the question
Lo mas grandes investigadores que se han ocupado de este punto. han llegado a la conclusion, diariamente en relacion
The greatest researchers who have dealt with this point. have come to the conclusion, daily in relation
Directa, frontal, face to face, cara a cara
Direct, frontal, face to face, face to face
Un ter vie a'dish...
4 horas diarias eso
A ter vie a'dish...
4 hours a day that
Es lo que se puede aguantar
It's what you can put up with
A un ser humano mmm y bueno creo
To a human being mmm and well I think
Efectivamente es asi
Indeed it is so
Hay personas o las habido, famoso
There are people or there have been, famous
Filosofo existencialista Jean Paul Sartre
Existentialist philosopher Jean Paul Sartre
Decia: con los hombres
2 horas vasta al dia, con las mujeres un poco mas o a veces mucho mas... pero con los hombres con dos le vasta y sobra
He used to say: with men
2 hours a day is enough, with women a little more or sometimes much more... but with men with two is enough and it is left over
Para que mas. osea que esta entre dos y cuatro pues ya tres hora pero tampoco mas de tres si son inaguantables los seres humanos
What more. I mean, it's between two and four, well, three hours, but not more than three, if human beings are unbearable
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