Pedro Mo - Agüita de Manzana - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pedro Mo - Agüita de Manzana

Agüita de Manzana
Apple Water
La maquinaria no es imaginaria
The machinery is not imaginary
La mayoria ni primaria
Most don't even have primary education
Presidentes caen
Presidents fall
Las industriaa no se van
Industries don't leave
Le haria una baseptomia
I would perform a vasectomy
Al que no firma a su cria
On the one who doesn't sign his child
Al que no da pal pan
The one who doesn't give for the bread
Esperan que vuelvan las colas
They wait for the queues to return
Para salir a marchar
To go out and march
Quieres un mundo confortable
You want a comfortable world
Pantallas y muebles
Screens and furniture
Arterias con cable
Wired arteries
Humanos en serie
Humans in series
Salarios que yerguen
Salaries that stand tall
Imperio de leyes por compras
Empire of laws by purchases
A tu contranatura contracultura
To your counternature counterculture
Se exhorta a la orca al que exporta
The orca is exhorted to the one who exports
Y no aporta ni mierda
And contributes nothing, not even shit
Cadaver dentro mas que un espejo roto
Corpse inside more than a broken mirror
Lo otro es innoto
The rest is unknown
El animal es animal
The animal is animal
No hay antidoto
There is no antidote
Medito metodos
I meditate methods
Ya no pensar con el escroto y tu
No longer thinking with the scrotum and you
Dejame lamerte el talamo
Let me lick your thalamus
Valdearte el sotano
Validate your basement
No es una broma el futuro te clona
It's not a joke, the future clones you
Promociona simplona formula
Promotes a simple formula
Con que estimulan neuronas
With which neurons are stimulated
Aprecio su decadencia en un paisaje
I appreciate its decline in a landscape
Que se deteriora se desploma
That deteriorates, collapses
Sus diplomas en horas extras
Your diplomas in extra hours
Te afectan sintomas del soma
You are affected by soma symptoms
O el sistema te sugestiona
Or the system suggests you
Somos personas no productos
We are people, not products
Cual es tu verdad
What is your truth
Si la realidad es abstracta
If reality is abstract
Y solo importa la ganancia en bruto
And only the gross profit matters
Quien pierde la elegancia
Who loses elegance
Y comercia con el rap
And trades with rap
La mercancia de una tramposa
The merchandise of a cheater
Que posa el glozab
Who poses the gaze
... yo creo que hay mucho de eso
... I think there's a lot of that
Hago un pago a la tierra
I make a payment to the earth
Con mi trompa izquierda
With my left trunk
Y sigo siendo zurda
And I'm still left-handed
Manufactura burda
Crude manufacturing
Se suman en cartones
They add up on cardboard
Los huerfanos del sida
The orphans of AIDS
Suda de mi espina
Sweating from my spine
Mangamarca mescalina
Mangamarca mescaline
Se me calcina lima
Lima gets calcined to me
Por sin amigas ni amigdalas
For being without friends or tonsils
Se botan con sus botas chuscas
They throw themselves out with their funny boots
Bodas nupcias, bocas futcias
Wedding nuptials, fickle mouths
Billete mata a galan garcia
Ticket kills handsome garcia
La clase arpia
The harpy class
Mas sopa fria se fian de cada dia
More cold soup is trusted every day
Como en la lucha alimentaria
As in the food fight
Solo nota el hambre en tu campaña
Only notice the hunger in your campaign
Espero que lo sepas
I hope you know
Monsanto se apodera de tus pepas
Monsanto takes over your seeds
Tu las pesas
You weigh them
Madre tierra el aluminio que conservas
Mother Earth, the aluminum you keep
Hectareas de oro no reclaman ser usadas
Hectares of gold do not claim to be used
Veredas tus fumadas
Your sidewalks smoked
Aguita tibia de comun manzana
Warm water from common apple
Si me sanas cubriras mis ganas?
If you heal me, will you cover my cravings?
Almas se maceran en farmacias
Souls are macerated in pharmacies
Otros son beatos, sociedad neurotica
Others are blessed, neurotic society
Desmotivando a neonatos
Demotivating newborns
El estatus
The status
Estomagos se compran
Stomachs are bought
Testigos se evaporan
Witnesses evaporate
Boicot a la emisora que te da la hora
Boycott the station that gives you the time
La escuela de oratoria esta de moda
The school of oratory is in fashion
Cafichos del gobierno
Pimps of the government
Estan en todas, su poder
They are in everything, their power
Es tu temor son remoras
It is your fear, they are delays
Su malestar temporal que nos esperan
Their temporary discomfort that await us
Quieres ser musa esas piernas
You want to be a muse, those legs
Que no se cruzan intrusa sin trusa
That do not cross, intruder without panties
Das pena si te operas pa la rusa
You're pathetic if you have surgery for the Russian
Sin excusa pa usar tu cabeza
No excuse to use your head
... cuantas horas diarias es soportable
... how many hours a day is bearable
Un ser humano, esa es la pregunta
A human being, that is the question
Lo mas grandes investigadores que se han ocupado de este punto. han llegado a la conclusion, diariamente en relacion
The greatest researchers who have dealt with this point. have come to the conclusion, daily in relation
Directa, frontal, face to face, cara a cara
Direct, frontal, face to face, face to face
Un ter vie a'dish... 4 horas diarias eso
A ter vie a'dish... 4 hours a day that
Es lo que se puede aguantar
It's what you can put up with
A un ser humano mmm y bueno creo
To a human being mmm and well I think
Efectivamente es asi
Indeed it is so
Hay personas o las habido, famoso
There are people or there have been, famous
Filosofo existencialista Jean Paul Sartre
Existentialist philosopher Jean Paul Sartre
Decia: con los hombres 2 horas vasta al dia, con las mujeres un poco mas o a veces mucho mas... pero con los hombres con dos le vasta y sobra
He used to say: with men 2 hours a day is enough, with women a little more or sometimes much more... but with men with two is enough and it is left over
Para que mas. osea que esta entre dos y cuatro pues ya tres hora pero tampoco mas de tres si son inaguantables los seres humanos
What more. I mean, it's between two and four, well, three hours, but not more than three, if human beings are unbearable

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