Pekado - Quizás - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pekado - Quizás

Quizás, (Quizás, quizás,...)
Perhaps, (Perhaps, perhaps,...)
Quizás, (Quizás, quizás,...)
Perhaps, (Perhaps, perhaps,...)
¿Por qué?, (¿Por qué?, ¿por qué?,...)
Why?, (Why?, why?,...)
¿Por qué?, (¿Por qué?, ¿por qué?,...)
Why?, (Why?, why?,...)
Después de escribir esta última letra,
After writing this last letter,
De rebasar las metas y conseguir que admitas,
After exceeding the goals and getting you to admit,
Que a tus salas completas sólo iban tus amiguitas,
That only your girlfriends went to your full rooms,
Y que de tantos petas tu mente dinamitas.
And that of so many joints, your mind dynamites.
No te dejan pensar, y si alguien hace el rap,
They don’t let you think, and if someone does rap,
He intentan reflexionar sobre algo dejado atrás,
And they try to reflect on something left behind,
Ya va de profeta y se le cuelga una etiqueta,
He already goes as a prophet and a label is hung on him,
Yo no busco ser sólo la cola del cometa. (no)
I don't seek to be just the tail of the comet. (no)
Yo busco ser montaña que sobresalga entre mesetas,
I seek to be a mountain that stands out among plateaus,
Noches, días, paso semanas coompletas,
Nights, days, I spend complete weeks,
Para completar mi carpeta con partes para compartir,
To complete my folder with parts to share,
En mi cuaderno ya no hay márgenes.
There are no more margins in my notebook.
Ni quedan sacapuntas vírgenes, son lápices,
There are no virgin sharpeners left, they are pencils,
Que trazan trozos de vida y dicen que respetes mi movida,
That trace pieces of life and say respect my life,
Mi vida es fácil, como su dueño, (yo)
My life is easy, like its owner, (me)
Y este es mi misil, con la firma de un sueño.
And this is my missile, with the signature of a dream.
Quizás, (Quizás) me equivoqué de voz,
Perhaps, (Perhaps) I was wrong about the voice,
Quizás, (Quizás) me equivoqué de flow,
Perhaps, (Perhaps) I was wrong about the flow,
Quizás, (Quizás) me equivoqué de letras,
Perhaps, (Perhaps) I was wrong about the lyrics,
Quizás, (Quizás) no estuve dentro, sino fuera,
Perhaps, (Perhaps) I wasn’t inside, but outside,
Quizás, (Quizás) me equivoqué de Dios,
Perhaps, (Perhaps) I was wrong about God,
Quizás, (Quizás) tuve que decir adiós,
Perhaps, (Perhaps) I had to say goodbye,
Quizás, (Quizás) siempre hice lo que quise,
Perhaps, (Perhaps) I always did what I wanted,
Y por eso sigo, como siempre, siendo yo.
And that's why I continue, as always, being me.
La vida, un valle de lágrimas, no busco que te deprimas,
Life, a valley of tears, I'm not looking for you to get depressed,
¿Mi flow no te anima? Pero te aproxima al climax,
Doesn't my flow cheer you up? But it brings you closer to climax,
¿Qué dirías si encima te insultara?
What would you say if I insulted you on top of that?
¿Si mi rap se basará en soltar mierda en tu cara?
What if my rap was based on throwing shit in your face?
Si algunos sois masocas lo respeto, (lo respeto)
If some of you are masochists I respect it, (I respect it)
Yo también os hago daño, pero soy mucho más discreto,
I hurt you too, but I'm much more discreet,
La vida de muchos se resume en un boceto, (sí)
The life of many is summarized in a sketch, (yes)
Si buscas mi vida vete directo al museo...
If you are looking for my life go directly to the museum... arte, porque soy un artista que lo borda, y no lo parte,
...of art, because I am an artist who embroiders it, and does not part it,
Ni finge en entrevistas, ¿Qué me escuchan dos? mejor,
Nor does he pretend in interviews, What, two people listen to me? even better,
(Porque) al menos me escuchan,
(Because) at least they listen to me,
Y tus mejores temas, suelen sonar como la lluvia.
And your best songs usually sound like rain.
Muchas ganas de ganarme, cuando ni siquiera compito,
Eager to beat me, when I'm not even competing,
Son problemas infinitos que describo en escritos,
They are infinite problems that I describe in writing,
No son mitos, son metas, imitas una imagen concreta,
They are not myths, they are goals, you imitate a specific image,
Con petas y malas jetas, simples marionetas.
With joints and bad faces, simple puppets.
Quizás, (Quizás) me equivoqué de voz,
Perhaps, (Perhaps) I was wrong about the voice,
Quizás, (Quizás) me equivoqué de flow,
Perhaps, (Perhaps) I was wrong about the flow,
Quizás, (Quizás) me equivoqué de letras,
Perhaps, (Perhaps) I was wrong about the lyrics,
Quizás, (Quizás) no estuve dentro, sino fuera,
Perhaps, (Perhaps) I wasn’t inside, but outside,
Quizás, (Quizás) me equivoqué de Dios,
Perhaps, (Perhaps) I was wrong about God,
Quizás, (Quizás) tuve que decir adiós,
Perhaps, (Perhaps) I had to say goodbye,
Quizás, (Quizás) siempre hice lo que quise,
Perhaps, (Perhaps) I always did what I wanted,
Y por eso sigo, como siempre, siendo yo.
And that's why I continue, as always, being me.
A veces mientras caminas se escuchan estupideces,
Sometimes as you walk you hear stupid things,
Imponen su disciplina, intentan hacer de jueces,
They impose their discipline, they try to act as judges,
Gallinas que se crecen, en compañía parecen fuertes,
Chickens that grow, in company they seem strong,
Fui testigo de tu sueño, espero que despiertes.
I witnessed your dream, I hope you wake up.
Son las calles de un pueblo abstracto en el que alterno,
They are the streets of an abstract town where I alternate,
Cielo con infierno, no me canso de mismo, (no)
Heaven with hell, I don't get tired of myself, (no)
Soy digno, represento un abismo, adicto,
I am worthy, I represent an abyss, addict,
A expresarme sobre un ritmo, confirmo la firma.
To express myself on a rhythm, I confirm the signature.
De un inconformista, yo no soy el mesías, (no)
Of a nonconformist, I am not the messiah, (no)
Pero tengo categoría, convivo con la hipocresía,
But I have category, I live with hypocrisy,
Veo gente manipulable, (moldeable) como la arcilla,
I see manipulable people, (moldable) like clay,
Sin iniciativa, no te engaño hago guiños.
Without initiative, I'm not kidding you, I wink.
Rap de antaño hasta mis años, no educo a niños,
Rap from yesteryear to my years, I don't educate children,
Pero tampoco les hago daño,
But neither do I harm them,
Mismas ideas con distinta voz al son de mis palabras,
Same ideas with a different voice to the sound of my words,
Icé mi rap, (mi rap) marca de la casa.
I made my rap, (my rap) trademark of the house.
Quizás, (Quizás) me equivoqué de voz,
Perhaps, (Perhaps) I was wrong about the voice,
Quizás, (Quizás) me equivoqué de flow,
Perhaps, (Perhaps) I was wrong about the flow,
Quizás, (Quizás) me equivoqué de letras,
Perhaps, (Perhaps) I was wrong about the lyrics,
Quizás, (Quizás) no estuve dentro, sino fuera,
Perhaps, (Perhaps) I wasn’t inside, but outside,
Quizás, (Quizás) me equivoqué de Dios,
Perhaps, (Perhaps) I was wrong about God,
Quizás, (Quizás) tuve que decir adiós,
Perhaps, (Perhaps) I had to say goodbye,
Quizás, (Quizás) siempre hice lo que quise,
Perhaps, (Perhaps) I always did what I wanted,
Y por eso sigo, como siempre, siendo yo.
And that's why I continue, as always, being me.
(Chojín) Yow, yow, yow, yow,
(Chojín) Yow, yow, yow, yow,
Yo, yow, yo, yow, yo sigo a lo mío
Yo, yow, yo, yow, I keep doing my thing
(Nach Scratch) repw, rep, rep,
(Nach Scratch) repw, rep, rep,
Rep, represento Hip-hop
Rep, I represent Hip-hop
(Juaninacka) Dew, desw, dew, desw
(Juaninacka) Dew, desw, dew, desw
Desde, law, la, law, la capital
From, law, the, law, the capital
(Jefe de la M) Mala, Malw, mal, malw,
(Jefe de la M) Mala, Malw, mal, malw,
Malag, Málaga Saga, Malw, malw, Málaga,
Malag, Málaga Saga, Malw, malw, Málaga,
Malw, Malg, Mew, Malw, Sag, Sag, Saga,
Malw, Malg, Mew, Malw, Sag, Sag, Saga,
(Saga, saga, saga,...)
(Saga, saga, saga,...)

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