Penyair - Mundo de Superficiales - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Penyair - Mundo de Superficiales

Mundo de Superficiales
World of Superficials
Representando zona 11 Bogotá, ¡ja!
Representing Zone 11 Bogotá, ha!
Mundo de superficiales
World of Superficials
Fuck you
Fuck you
Yo, yo ya no quiero ver tus curvas, bitch
Yo, I don't want to see your curves anymore, bitch
Le dije a la mujer absurda
I told the absurd woman
Si eres esclava de esta gente balurda
If you're a slave to these stupid people
Que hasta la fecha con la mano derecha a
That until today, with their right hand, they
Tu mano la estrechan y te apuñalan con zurda
They shake your hand and stab you with your left
Si los ves por las calles diles que fui yo
If you see them on the streets, tell them it was me
Quien se metió en su conciencia y la cagó, señor
Who got into their conscience and fucked it up, sir
Yeah, si me preguntan no me excuso porque
Yeah, if they ask me, I don't make excuses because
¿Cómo ensuciaría algo que ya se encuentra sucio?
How could I dirty something that's already dirty?
Tomé mis cosas, mi cuaderno y mi esfero
I took my things, my notebook and my pen
Y en una cueva azul medité meses enteros
And in a blue cave I meditated for months
Donde la soledad ya no estaría sola
Where solitude would no longer be alone
Ya que al igual que yo, al resto le hizo pistola (fuck you)
Because just like me, it made a gun for the rest (fuck you)
Y me di cuenta hacia donde el mundo gira
And I realized how the world turns
Ya que todo es distinto si de otro punto se mira
Because everything is different if you look from another point of view
Y ten cuidado que hoy la gente conspira
And be careful because today people conspire
Hasta para quitarte el aire que respiras
Even to take away the air you breathe
Hasta para quitarte el aire que respiras,
Even to take away the air you breathe, yes
Y unos se venden allí, otros te quieren comprar
And some sell themselves there, others want to buy you
A unos no les molestas, al resto les da igual
Some people don't bother you, the rest don't care
Yeah, ¿y qué se puede esperar
Yeah, what can you expect
De un mundo superficial donde ya nadie es real?
From a superficial world where no one is real anymore?
Y unos se venden allí, otros te quieren comprar
And some sell themselves there, others want to buy you
A unos no les molestas, al resto les da igual
Some people don't bother you, the rest don't care
Yeah, ¿y qué se puede esperar
Yeah, what can you expect
De un mundo superficial donde ya nadie es real?
From a superficial world where no one is real anymore?
Ya, sí, pocos que mantienen su palabra (ajá)
Yeah, yes, few keep their word (aha)
Es lo de siempre, el que más muerde menos ladra (cierto)
It's the same old story, the one who bites the most barks the least (true)
Pero hoy en día hasta los cuadros se descuadran (yeah)
But nowadays even the paintings are out of square (yeah)
Como si fuese magia sin decir abracadabra
As if it were magic without saying abracadabra
Y pendiente, ojo a quien pelas el diente
And watch out who you show your teeth to
Que no todo el mundo sonríe por buena gente (na′)
Because not everyone smiles because they are good people (no')
Es menester recordar que en el presente
It is necessary to remember that in the present
La gente solo sonríe cuando les es conveniente (solo)
People only smile when it is convenient for them (only)
Dineros, lujos (yo), joyas, placeres
Money, luxury (me), jewels, pleasures
Drogas y vicios, sexo con mil mujeres (na')
Drugs and vices, sex with a thousand women (no')
Gente de mierda que por la mierda mueren
Shitty people that die for shit
Que no les va a importar la persona que eres (nada)
Who won't care about the person you are (nothing)
Constante el paso, camino con rostro estricto
Constant step, I walk with a strict face
Sin copiar de nadie porque a nadie le dicto
Without copying from anyone because I don't tell anyone what to do
Y no me preguntes por mi cara de convicto, que
And don't ask me about my convict face, that
Trato de no compartir para evitar conflictos
I try not to share to avoid conflicts
Y unos se venden allí, otros te quieren comprar
And some sell themselves there, others want to buy you
A unos no les molestas, al resto les da igual
Some people don't bother you, the rest don't care
Yeah, ¿y qué se puede esperar
Yeah, what can you expect
De un mundo superficial donde ya nadie es real? ¡Ah!
From a superficial world where no one is real? Ah!
Y unos se venden allí, otros te quieren comprar
And some sell themselves there, others want to buy you
A unos no les molestas, al resto les da igual
Some people don't bother you, the rest don't care
Yeah, ¡y qué se puede esperar
Yeah, what can you expect
De un mundo superficial donde ya nadie es real?
From a superficial world where no one is real?
Sí, allá está la casa embrujada, alejada
Yes, there is the haunted house, far away
Dejando lo peor de sí, por su fachada
Leaving the worst of itself, for its facade
Los que la ven dicen que no tienen nada
Those who see it say they have nothing
Que son los que critican con la primera mirada
That they are the ones who criticize with the first look

Авторы: Penyair

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