Pep Sala & La Banda Del Bar - La Força de Les Armes - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pep Sala & La Banda Del Bar - La Força de Les Armes

La Força de Les Armes
The Force of Weapons
Escolta mare, hi ha una gent que truca a la porta
Listen, dear, there's someone knocking at the door
Van vestits de verd amb fusells a les seves mans
They're dressed in green, carrying rifles in their hands
Les seves intencions no sembla siguin bones
Their intentions don't seem very good
Crec que m'han vingut a buscar perquè vagi a fer el soldat
I think they've come to take me away to be a soldier
Jo que mai havia cregut en la força de les armes
I, who never believed in the force of weapons
El pare és fora caçant a les muntanyes
Father's out hunting in the mountains
El meu germà està bevent des de que ella el va deixar
My brother's been drinking ever since she left him
Així que no hi havia ningú per poder ajudar-me
So there was no one there to help me
Jo acabava de fer dinou i estava allà tot sol
I had just turned nineteen and I was there all alone
No sabia ben què fer només volia escapar-me
I didn't know exactly what to do, I just wanted to escape
Aquella gent havien vingut a buscar-me
Those people had come looking for me
Vaig arrencar a córrer sense saber on anar
I started to run without knowing where to go
Quan vaig sentir el primer tret que em va tocar la cama
When I heard the first shot, it hit me in the leg
Tot de cop es va fer fosc i em va caure a sobre al món
Suddenly everything went black and the world fell on me
Jo plorava de dolor o potser de ràbia
I cried from pain, or maybe from rage
Protegiu-vos de la força de les armes
Protect yourself from the force of weapons
Allunyeu-vos de tot allò que un gatell
Stay away from anything with a trigger
Jo sortiré d'aquí quan algú pugui alliberar-me
I'll get out of here when someone can free me
Digueu a casa que estic que algun dia tornaré
Tell everyone back home that I'm well and that someday I'll return
I envieu-li dos petons a la meva estimada
And send two kisses to my beloved

Авторы: Neil Young

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