Pep Sala - Ballarina - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pep Sala - Ballarina

Et vaig trobar l'altre dia
I found you the other day
En un tros de paper
On a piece of paper
No podia amagar un somriure
I couldn't stop a smile
Al tornar a recordar vells temps
When reminiscing about old times
Vaig venir al teatre
I came to the theater
Per poder-te aplaudir
To be able to applaud you
I sentir una altra vegada
And to feel once again
L'atracció del teu encís
The pull of your charm
Però, mirant-me als ulls ballarina
But as you gazed into my eyes, dancer
La meva ànima et vas emportar
You captivated my soul
I per déu! no hi havia sortida
And by heaven! there was no escape
I tu em vas tornar a embruixar
And you bewitched me all over again
El teu somriure al veure'm
Your smile when you saw me
Em va deixar ben clar
Made it very clear to me
Que la nit encara era jove
That the night was still young
I la volies allargar
And you wanted to extend it
Vaig ser el teu penja-robes
I was your coat rack
Vaig ser el teu galant de nit
I was your gallant for the night
I acceptant la meva derrota
And accepting my defeat
Vaig caure en el teu encís
I fell for your charm
Però, mirant-me als ulls ballarina
But as you gazed into my eyes, dancer
La meva ànima et vas emportar
You captivated my soul
I per déu! no hi havia sortida
And by heaven! there was no escape
I tu em vas tornar a embruixar
And you bewitched me all over again
Amb els teus ulls com els de la serp
With your serpent's eyes
Em vas guanyar la voluntat
You sapped my willpower
I el pobre sisè manament
And the poor sixth commandment
En mil trossos el vam trencar
We broke it into a thousand pieces
Els camins ens separen
Our paths have diverged
I el temps fa oblidar
And time causes us to forget
Però si mai ens trobem ballarina
But if we ever meet again, dancer
Si us plau torna'm a embruixar
Please bewitch me again
Bewitch me
Torna'm a embruixar
Bewitch me again

Авторы: Pep Sala

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