Pep Sala - Buscant el Nord - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pep Sala - Buscant el Nord

Buscant el Nord
Searching for the North
El camí del nord és de pujada
The path to the north is uphill
El marge d'error és massa estret
The margin of error is too narrow
I l'agulla ja ha marcat
And the needle has already indicated
Que fa temps que ens hem passat
That we've been over for a long time
Sempre hem tingut en contra el vent
We've always had the wind against us
La senyal d'alarma ja és encesa
The alarm signal is already on
Ja no ens queda més temps per dubtar
We have no more time to hesitate
I el futur penja d'un fil
And the future hangs by a thread
Que a vegades és tan prim
That is sometimes so thin
I no saps mai com acabarà
And you never know how it will end
Seguirem buscant fins que ens perdem
We'll keep searching until we get lost
Seguirem buscant el nord a contracorrent
We'll keep searching for the north against the current
Seguirem buscant el mateix punt
We'll keep searching for the same point
Seguirem buscant el nord sempre a contrallum
We'll keep searching for the North always against the light
I ho farem junts
And we'll do it together
Mai una senyal ni una drecera
Never a sign or a shortcut
Ni hem passat cap pont per creuar el riu
Nor have we passed any bridge to cross the river
Si ho haguéssim fet potser
If we had, perhaps
No sabríem que estem vius
We wouldn't know that we are alive
Ni arribaríem tan sencers
Nor would we arrive so whole
Aprofitem la llum que ens queda
Let's take advantage of the light we have left
Seguirem abans no es faci fosc
We'll keep going before it gets dark
Aquest viatge és massa llarg
This journey is too long
La raó per fer-lo ets tu
The reason for doing it is you
Si no hi ets el món és tan confús
If you're not there, the world is so confusing

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