Pepet I Marieta feat. Oques Grasses - Tu I Jo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pepet I Marieta feat. Oques Grasses - Tu I Jo

Tu I Jo
You and I
Tu ets la rialla que em clica l'ullet
You are the giggle that catches my eye
Tots les matins que mos agafa fred
Every morning when it's freezing
Lo sol que m'il·lumina el dia
The sun that lights up my day
Mentre el gall posa'ls carrers
As the rooster crows in the streets
M'estimo més un beset teu que tot
I prefer one of your kisses over anything
Si tu no estàs m'oblido de qui sóc
If you're not here, I forget who I am
Aixeco el vol per sobre els arbres
I fly above the trees
I perdo el nord buscant-te'l cor
And I get lost trying to find your heart
Tu ets la sortida de la crisi
You are the way out of the crisis
Quan baixen los punts d'interès
When the interest rates go down
La cacatua que va en bici
The parrot that rides a bike
Quan lo món gira al revés
When the world turns upside down
Tu i io
You and me
Com dos infants sense regles del joc
Like two children without rules
Io i tu
Me and you
Ensucradets a la vora del foc
Sweetened by the fire
Tu i io
You and me
Que quan l'amor s'hi posa tot
That when love sets in
Agafa'l rosa del teus ulls
It takes on the pink of your eyes
Tu ets la camisa que me para
You're the shirt that fits me well
Ets la fresqueta quan surto al carrer
You're the cool breeze when I go outside
La broma que m'alegra el dia
The joke that brightens my day
Quan me surt tot del revés
When everything goes wrong
M'estimo més un beset teu que tot
I prefer one of your kisses over anything
La vida em passa tan a poc a poc
Life goes by so slowly for me
Si no ets aquí, lo cor se'm gela
If you're not here, my heart freezes
Se'm torna dur com un roc
It becomes as hard as a rock
Tu ets la sortida de la crisi
You are the way out of the crisis
Lo bri de llum que em trau la por
The ray of light that banishes my fears
L'aire fresquet que apaga el vici
The fresh air that quenches my vices
Quan apreta la calor
When the heat is on
Tu i io
You and me
Com dos infants sense regles del joc
Like two children without rules
Io i tu
Me and you
Ensucradets a la vora del foc
Sweetened by the fire
Tu i io
You and me
Que quan l'amor s'hi posa tot
That when love sets in
Agafa'l rosa del teus ulls
It takes on the pink of your eyes
I si algun dia no vens a casa
And if one day you don't come home
Me quedo sol esmolant l'espasa
I'll be left alone sharpening my sword
I la tristor se'm cola pels dits
And sadness will seep through my fingers
Agafo la guitarra
I'll pick up my guitar
I d'un canut surten cent cançons
And from one joint a hundred songs will emerge
Que m'acompanyen los macarrons
That will accompany my pasta
I moro perquè tu no ets aquí
And I'll die because you're not here
Ballant-me la lambada
Dancing the lambada

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