Pepet I Marieta - Almorrana - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pepet I Marieta - Almorrana

Dalt d'una avió
On an airplane
Enmig d'una important reunió
In the middle of an important meeting
Xingant en la parenta
Fucking with relatives
A la teua boda
At your wedding
Fent-te una manola
Giving you a handjob
Manipulant una boa
Handling a boa
Lo dia de l'estrena a la principal escena
On opening night on the main stage
Fent malabars de foc, guanyant la al guinyot
Juggling fire, winning at guinyot
Volant fent parapent, buscant aparcament
Flying a paraglider, finding parking
Llegint a missa el nou testament
Reading the New Testament at mass
Ella no per punt
She never misses a beat
Sempre disposada a atacar
Always ready to attack
Tant li fot dilluns, dimarts
She doesn't care if it's Monday, Tuesday,
Com festes de guardar
Or a religious holiday
La puta almorrana m'ha dixat lo cul
Those fucking hemorrhoids have left my ass
Més roig que una mangrana de sang i de pus
Redder than a pomegranate, with blood and pus
La puta almorrana m'ha dixat lo cul
Those fucking hemorrhoids have left my ass
Més roig que una mangrana de sang i de pus
Redder than a pomegranate, with blood and pus
La puta almorrana m'ha dixat lo cul
Those fucking hemorrhoids have left my ass
En lo ram a la
With a palm branch in my hand
A punt de confessar
About to confess
Lo teu amor per una dama
Your love for a lady
Al curro de ressaca
At work with a hangover
Bevent suc de tomaca
Drinking tomato juice
Posant los diners dins la saca
Putting money in the bag
Vestidet de drag queen corrent pel Sant Fermín
Dressed as a drag queen running through the Festival of San Fermín
Cadàver d'empalmada de part en embrassada
A corpse of a spanking, in an embrace
A mitja inspiració, amorrat al piló
Halfway through a hit, wasted at the sink
Cantant salms a nostre sinyar
Singing hymns to our Lord
La natura és implacable
Nature is relentless
Mai no et tirarà ni un cable
It will never throw you a lifeline
L'home no cap control
Man has no control
Sobre la terra, la lluna, ni el sol
Over the earth, the moon, or the sun
Que estàs sol davant del món
You are alone in the world
Contra n'ell tu res no pots
You can't do anything against it
Que si el cel diu que vol ploure
If the sky says it wants to rain
Plou, plou, plou i prou!
It rains, rains, rains, and that's it!
Potser un dia quan te lleves
Maybe one day when you wake up
Anca dormigue lo sol
The sun will have gone to sleep
I que un dia de molt d'aire
And one day with a lot of wind
A la mar se cale foc.
The sea will catch fire.
No ets més que una formigueta
You are nothing more than an ant
Sota un cel rogenc immens
Under an immense crimson sky
Que te xopa la poteta
That soaks your little foot
Quan mos porta pluja o vent
When it brings us rain or wind
La puta almorrana m'ha dixat lo cul
Those fucking hemorrhoids have left my ass

Авторы: Camil Burato, Carlos Manzanares, Dani Tejedor, Ignasi Palau, Jordi Sanç, Josep Bordes, Paco Albiol, Xavi Riba

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