Pepet I Marieta - Maria - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pepet I Marieta - Maria

I tinc sed de festa i alegria i ella ne un bon rato
I thirst for a feast and joy and she has a good rato
No me n'amago, sóc de poble i a les nits faig sempre un trago
I am not hiding it, I am from the village and at nights I always take a sip
A la salud, si tu com io corres pel món un poc perdut
To your health, if you like me you run a little lost in the world
I sóc ben catxo, un cagadubtes més pesat qu'un bou en braços
And I am quite a bastard, a pain in the neck more annoying than an ox in the arms
Carro i matxo io te daré la volta'l món sense retrassos
Cart and mule I will give you the round the world without delays
Sobre'ls meus passo, no hi ha victòries ni fracassos
On my steps, there are no victories or failures
M'estimo més lo que'n puc aprendre que lo que costen los romansos
I prefer what I can learn from it than what the ballads cost
I no hi ha mar massa gran pa mi, si hi ha una terra per descobrir
And there is no sea too big for me, if there is a land to discover
Porto la glòria escrita a les celles i just amb tu la vull compartir
I carry the glory written on my brow and I want to share it just with you
I tinc sed de festa i alegria i ella ne un bon rato
And I thirst for a feast and joy and she has a good rato
No me n'amago, visc la vida com un somni sense trassos
I am not hiding it, I live life like a dream with no afterlife
Sense frontera ni primavera que m'ature'l marcapassos
With no boundaries or spring to stop my pacemaker
Me sobra força de voluntat, per a minjar-me lo món d'un bac
I have plenty of willpower to eat the world in one go
Encara que després te la cague tantes vegades com maula'l gat
Even if later I screw it up as many times as a cat meows
Sobre'ls meus passo, no hi ha victòries ni fracassos
On my steps, there are no victories or failures
M'estimo més lo que'n puc aprendre que lo que costen los romansos
I prefer what I can learn from it than what the ballads cost
I io no vull ser'l centre del món, domés cantar-te quatre cançons
And I don't want to be the center of the world, just to sing you four songs
De vora'l foc mans a la guitarra vull despullar-te les emocions
By the fireside, with hands on the guitar, I want to strip your emotions bare

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