Perdidos de Sinaloa - La Muerte De Manuelon - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Perdidos de Sinaloa - La Muerte De Manuelon

La Muerte De Manuelon
Manuel's Death
Vamos a echarnos un corridazo por ahí también
We're going to take a little ride out there too
Pa toda la plebada que anda pisteando con nosotros
For all the locals who are partying with us
Esta noche viejones, uah
Tonight, old friends, uah
Tenemos esto que se llama "La Muerte...", "La Muerte de Manuelon", compadre
We have this thing called "The Death...", "The Death of Manuelon", my friend
Dice más o menos, de los corridazos
It says more or less, the corridos
Las lágrimas de un recluso, salieron del alma, causaban gran daño
The tears of a prisoner, came from the soul, caused great damage
Que provocó la noticia de que en Culiacán tán velando a su hermano
That caused the news that in Culiacán they are watching over his brother
Era Manuel Torres Félix, con clave el 14, de apodo el Ondeado
It was Manuel Torres Félix, code name 14, nicknamed el Ondeado
Y el que lo llora es un hombre, muy hombre, de nombre Javier
And the one who cries for him is a man, a real man, named Javier
Es su hermano
He's his brother
Salucita de la buena, chavalones
A toast to the good stuff, my friends
Octubre 13 del 12, poblado Oso Viejo, fuiste el escenario
October 13, 2012, in the town of Oso Viejo, you were the scene
De aquel combate suicida, batalla abusiva de uno contra varios
Of that suicidal gunfight, an unfair battle of one against many
Más de 28 soldados fuertemente armados contra un mercenario
More than 28 heavily armed soldiers against a mercenary
Que les peleó hasta la muerte de frente y valiente
Who fought them to the death, face to face and bravely
Que no nacen diario
They're not born every day
Váyase tío pa la casa, ya no está su raza, que ahí vienen los guachos
Go home, uncle, your people are gone, the cops are coming
Y esta vez no vienen solos, vienen codo a codo
And this time they're not alone, they're coming side by side
Con los del gabacho
With the gringos
No se preocupe sobrino, agarre camino y al rato los guachos
Don't worry, nephew, take the road and in a while the cops
Pero antes que se despidan, tráigame comida, plebes no sean gachos
But before you go, bring me some food, don't be mean, guys
Y así suenan los Perdidos de Sinaloa, compadre
And that's how the Perdidos de Sinaloa sound, my friend
Balas desde la azotea, les tiró la de Manuel contestaba
Bullets from the roof, Manuel's fired back
Con una súper pa'l cielo y con otra los perros del suelo atacaba
With a super for the sky and another for the dogs on the ground
Las dos tronaban a un tiempo, más de 400 tiros disparaba
Both of them were firing at the same time, more than 400 shots were fired
Pero se le acabó el parque, con humos y tanques ahí lo remataban
But he ran out of ammo, and there with smoke and tanks they finished him off
Descanse en paz, compadrito, faltaba poquito pa que lo mirara
Rest in peace, my friend, it was almost time for me to see you
Atrás quedó su cuchillo, disfruté al Tachillo que tanto extrañaba
Your knife is still here, I enjoyed el Tachillo whom I missed so much
Su muerte me duele tanto, pues no sabe cuánto yo acá lo esperaba
Your death pains me so much, because you don't know how much I was waiting for you here
Son palabras de Javier, a su hermano Manuel, hombres de sangre brava
These are the words of Javier, to his brother Manuel, men of brave blood

Авторы: Dar

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